
资料分类免费法语论文 责任编辑:黄豆豆更新时间:2017-05-08


Social assurance system in the operation of the country, the national life, have a great impact on all aspects of. Throughout the world, every country society coordinated growth, must be highly valued the social security system of the country. France as an example of the European welfare state, social assurance rail of absolutely perfect, can be described as indecent French "liberty, equality and fraternity" value system will put into small parts. But at the same time, also face many difficulties and challenges. In this paper from the 2007 French strike a pen, in perspective of multidisciplinary analysis, application of sweat Seigaku, economics, law, social science, political science and other disciplines of research methods, on the French social security system are discussed, and summarize in the process of social security construction in France's accomplishments, and must challenge and transformation. At the same time, in China's social security system of the status quo analysis of the current situation, put forward that China can learn from the experience and lessons should be learned. French society guarantee after the rail system facing the achievement important focus on social security system of great confusion, medical insurance deficit serious, especially retired rail of Cheng to be reconstructed, unemployed rate high formed out of the insurance industry burden is heavy. To establish a sound social security system, we propose to focus on building a complete system of health care system, perfect management and supervision of social security fund, strengthen the guidance of unemployment market and guarantee the payment of insurance.


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