自欧洲一体化启动以来,平易近族国度就在个中饰演侧重要的脚色,在一体化过程中施展了弗成替换的感化。晚期的欧洲一体化实际重要环绕欧洲一体化的终究成果、一体化过程中国度和超国度机构所饰演的脚色等成绩停止争辩。跟着一体化的逐步深刻,一体化的作用(重要经由过程欧盟的感化)触及到了成员国的各个范畴。到了20世纪90年月,学者们开端存眷欧盟对成员国的作用,提出成员国在欧盟的作用下国际政治、政策等都产生了转变,法语论文,这类景象被称作“欧洲化”。个中政策范畴的欧洲化特别显著,特殊是农业政策范畴。各个成员国的农业政策同一在20世纪60年月末制定胜利的配合农业政策的框架之下。农业政策范畴的欧洲化意味着为了遵照配合农业政策,成员国际部必定会转变和欧盟政策尺度纷歧致的处所,多半学者以为成员国和欧盟的关系不是双方向的,成员国其实不老是欧洲化作用下的国际政策转变的主动接收者,成员国常常经由过程作用欧盟政策的制定和决议计划进程来削减转变所支付的价值。本文的研究目标就是经由过程剖析配合农业政策对法国的作用和法国在配合农业政策制定、实行和改造进程中的能举措用,来更好的懂得成员国和欧洲一体化的双向互动关系。文章起首对欧洲化的寄义、欧洲化和成员国的关系做了剖析,接上去就农业政策范畴的欧洲化做了描写,文章的重点放在成员公法国和配合农业政策的关系上。农业范畴是成员国欧洲化水平最高的政策范畴,自20世纪60年月末根本完成配合农业政策的制定任务后,各个成员国的农业政策就同一在欧共体的框架之下,成员国遵照配合的准绳,欧盟有同一的价钱、市场机制和财务支撑,超国度机构的感化更在农业政策的决议计划和履行进程中凸显;然则成员国历来不是欧洲化主动的接收者,从晚期配合农业政策的制定,成员国就积极地施展本身的作用力作用配合农业政策的制定任务,特殊是法国。在晚期配合农业政策的制定进程中,法国一向试图把本身的政策偏好上升到欧洲层面,从而削减转变的价值。异样在配合农业政策的履行和改造进程中,法国历来也不是一个主动的接收者。老是积极地为本身争夺最年夜的好处。文章的最初对法国和配合农业政策的关系作了总结。并经由过程剖析法国在配合农业政策改造中的最新亮相和做法,得出固然法国经由过程各类措施积极的应对欧洲化,为本身国度的好处作最年夜的争夺,然则跟着欧盟的胜利东扩,法国作用力的削弱,和来自各方面的压力,法国在保护本身好处的同时,加倍公道的配合农业政策改造是法国所必需要面临的。本文自创了学者们对于“欧洲化”的说明和剖析办法,以为成员国和欧盟的关系是一种双向作用的关系,拔取了政策范畴的欧洲化作为研究对象,从欧洲化的视角剖析法国和配合农业政策的关系。 Abstract: Since the start of European integration and ethnic nation is in the medium plays important role. In the process of integration display the Eph into the action that replace. European integration in the advanced practical important around the European integration eventually results, process integration and super national institutions played the role performance stop arguing. With the gradual integration of the profound integration effect (important by the European influence) touched every category of members. In twentieth Century 90 years, scholars began to save affects to the members of EU, member states in the European Union under the influence of international politics and policy have changed, this phenomenon is called "europeanization". The policy of Europe is particularly remarkable, especially agricultural policy areas. Under the framework of each member country's agricultural policy with a set victory in twentieth Century 60 years at the end of the month with the agricultural policy. The scope of agricultural policy in Europe means to follow with agricultural policy, members of the International Department will change and EU policy scale abhorrent place, most scholars think that the relationship between Member States and the European Union is not a dual direction, Member States isn't always active receivers of European influence in international policy shift, members often through influence of EU policy formulation and decision-making process to cut into the payment of value. The goal of this research is through the analysis with the agricultural policy impact on France and France in conjunction with agricultural policy formulation, implementation and transformation in the process of energy initiatives, to better understand the Member States and the European integration of the interactive relationship. The chapeau to Europe to send righteousness, Europe and Member States to do the analysis, and pick up the scope of agricultural policy of the European made the description, the focus of the article put in the members of the public in France and with the relationship between agricultural policy. The scope of agriculture is Europe as a member of the highest levels of policy areas, since the late 1960s simply with the completion of the agricultural policy after the enactment of the task, each member country's agricultural policy is as a under the framework of the European community, Member States to follow principle of cooperation, the EU has the same price, market mechanism and financial support, the action of supranational institutions more in agricultural policy decisions and perform process highlights; however Member States has not been a European initiative receiver. From the late with agricultural policy formulation, Member States will actively display itself influence with agricultural policy is formulated as a task, especially France. In the late stage with the agricultural policy formulation process, France has always tried to put itself up to the European level policy preferences, thereby reducing the value of turning. Also in cooperation with agricultural policy implementation and transformation process, France has always been is not an active receiver. Always a positive for the maximum benefits for itself. The first to France and cooperation between agricultural policy is summarized. Through process analysis of the French in conjunction with agricultural policy reform in the new appearance and practices, it is concluded that while France via all sorts of methods to actively deal with Europe, most of the eve of the battle for the benefit of their country, however along with the victory of the EU enlargement, the weakening of the French influence, and from all aspects of pressure, France in the protection of its own profit at the same time, double fair with the agricultural policy reform is France will need to face. This paper created the scholars about the "Europeanization" description and analysis, that the relationship between Member States and the European Union is a two-way influence, the adoption of policy areas in Europe as the research object, from the European perspective analysis of France and with the relationship between agricultural policy. 目录: |