本杰明·富兰克林出使法国的交际运动是美国交际史上浓墨重彩的一笔。他战胜重重阻力和艰苦,为美国博得了法国的支援、存款和结盟。在与英国的战争会谈中,他力争美国好处,为美国的自力事业做出了伟大进献。本文力图将富兰克林的交际运动较完全、清楚地描写出来,并归纳综合出他的交际思惟,力图为晚期美国交际史研究做一些无益的进献。全文重要内容共分为五部门。第一部门,重要写美国对法国交际的配景和年夜陆会议吩咐消磨富兰克林出使法国的决议。第二部门,重要描写富兰克林抵达法国早期的交际运动,在正式交际上受挫后,富兰克林奇妙地转向非正式交际运动。经由过程与法国下流社会的来往,富兰克林博得了法国当局的信赖,从而为他在法国顺遂展开交际摊平了途径。第三部门,重要讲述了富兰克林在美法结盟后的交际运动。1777年12月,法语论文网站,法语论文,萨拉托加年夜捷后,富兰克林运用与英国会谈的前提向法国施压,促进了法美联盟合同的签订。第四部门,重要描写富兰克林与英美战争会谈。在和谈后期,富兰克林果断保护美国的好处,并保持与法国盟友一路和英国签署终究的战争协议。第五部门,重要阐述富兰克林的交际思惟及富兰克林在美国交际史上的位置及其作用。 Abstract: Benjamin Franklin's visit to France is the history of American sports communication communication of a thick and heavy in colours. He overcome many obstacles and hardships, won the support of France, and the United States alliance deposit. In the war with Britain during the talks, the United States made him strive to benefit, great contribution for American independent career. This paper tries to the Franklin's communication movement more completely and clearly written, and summarized his thoughts of communication, tries hard for advanced American Communication Studies in history to do some unhelpful contribution. The important content is divided into five departments. First department, writing American of French communication background and continental conference commanded hand to kill Franklin ambassador to France's resolution. The second sector, an important description of Franklin arrived in France early communication movement, frustrated in formal communication, informal communication Franklin wonderful steering motion. Through the process with the French underworld dealings, Franklin won the trust of the French authorities, so as to his in France smooth expansion communication stalls flat way. The third sector, important tells the story of Franklin in the United States and France alliance communication movement. In December 1777, the eve of the Saratoga Jie, Franklin talks with British based application to French pressure, promote the signing of the contract law of the union. The fourth sector, an important description of Franklin and the Anglo American War talks. Talks in late Franklin decisively to protect America's benefits, and ultimately the war remain signed agreement with the French and British allies in a way. The fifth sector, and Franklin had an important position in communication of Franklin in the United States in the history of communication and its influence. 目录: 摘要 4-5 ABSTRACT 5 绪论 8-12 一、 国内探讨概况 8-9 二、 美国探讨概况 9-11 三、 本文的探讨措施和思路 11-12 第一章 北美殖民地派遣富兰克林出使法国的决定 12-17 一、 美国对法外交的背景 12-15 二、 大陆会议决定派遣富兰克林出使法国 15-17 第二章 富兰克林抵达法国初期的外交活动 17-23 一、 初抵法国遭受阻力 17-19 二、 正式外交出师不利 19-20 三、 非正式外交获得成功 20-23 第三章 富兰克林在美法结盟前后的外交活动 23-29 一、 富兰克林抵达法国后的外交谈判 23-24 二、 萨拉托加大捷后富兰克林在法外交活动 24-25 三、 富兰克林与英国的谈判 25-26 四、 富兰克林与法国的结盟谈判 26-27 五、 富兰克林在美法结盟后的外交活动 27-29 第四章 富兰克林与英美和平谈判 29-34 一、 富兰克林独挡一面与英和谈 29-31 二、 英美临时协定的签订 31-34 第五章 富兰克林外交的思想特征及其地位 34-38 一、 富兰克林的外交思想 34-36 二、 富兰克林在美国外交史中的地位及作用 36-38 结束语 38-39 主要参考文献 39-43 一 中文文献 39-40 二 英文文献 40-43 致谢 43-44 作者在攻读硕士学位期间发表的论文 44-45 |