
资料分类免费法语论文 责任编辑:黄豆豆更新时间:2017-05-08


Vietnam is China's neighbors, the two countries are connected, has a history of more than 2000 years of history, the relationship between the special and complex. The old and brutal civilization of the Chinese nation has a profound impact on the civilization of Vietnam. But since modern times, especially after nineteenth Century, the French colonial Vietnam, the growth of the Vietnamese civilization has had a great impact, which in today's civilization in Vietnam have shown. With the advent of the colonial people, the traditional civilization and the idea was a provocation, the instrument side of civilization in this collision, the Vietnamese civilization resulting in a drastic change. Study the change of the civilization of Vietnam in this time, have a positive impact on the understanding of tomorrow's Vietnam civilization. Civilization is a broad concept, this paper attempts to study the growth trend of the Vietnamese civilization through the process of writing, teaching, religion, literature and some other representative points. Also a folk culture is a long-term process, the focus of this study lies in the upheavals of the French colonial near to the modern Vietnamese civilization brings. Hands-on research from two aspects: a Frenchman fulfill alienation of policy, to Vietnam forced the inculcation of colonizing color Oriental civilization; on the other hand, follow the Vietnamese nationalism consciousness, facing a culture of diversity, unconscious to trade-offs and choices, exploring to go a match the ethnic civilization growth path. In this paper, we try to make some deep comments on the characteristics of the development of the modern Vietnamese culture, and we can understand that the current Vietnam civilization has a little beneficial effect. The thesis is divided into three departments: introduction, comment and summary. The introduction discusses the significance of the topic, the status of international research and research content and so on. Notes in the first chapter, the entire as a background introduction, Vietnam historical development in the eve of the induced clue and French is how to step by step to become colonial; prior to the arrival of the colonists, Vietnam civilization. The second chapter discusses the occurrence and growth of the phonetic alphabet in Vietnam, after all, how to become the official text of vietnam. The third chapter discusses the teachings and Vietnamese colonial independence education. The fourth chapter discusses the Church of God into it to Vietnam and other religious influence. The fifth chapter discusses the development of the modern Vietnamese literature, and how it has been affected by the influence of the oriental literature. Summary of the Department through the process of the above discussion, summed up the Vietnamese civilization in the change of some of the common equipment, the characteristics of modern civilization in Vietnam have a large cause of the.

