
资料分类免费法语论文 责任编辑:黄豆豆更新时间:2017-05-08


This paper is a study of the British Vitoria times of the two novel "Jane Eyre" and "the return of the native" in Paris abstract. In Jane Eyre, Paris woman varens is described as an emotional cheat with the sensuality of the characteristics of Paris, frivolous, shallow and romantic etc. dim character is counted as the signs of Paris. And in the return of the native, Paris became the heroine charmed wonderful home, because there is a moral free beam and free energy can bring vitality and passion for her. Therefore, in the British imagination, there are two Paris one is filled with all kinds of crimes of moral heaven, the other is a representative of advanced civilization and freedom, the feelings of the hell on earth. However, "Jane Eyre" in France is not based on the character of contempt of British worldly-wise and play safe. In fact, Britain's indulgence and moral hypocrisy is better than france. "Jane love" on French abstract shape is a biased "Imagine". In this paper applied some amazing and cautious speech strategy to determine the British civilization, raise the French culture. The goal is for the colonial expansion of the need for citizens. And "the return of the native" in France with exact from the British International constraints. Here in Paris as a means of free universe emerged, the Empire declined era, the English of dissatisfaction with the actual, and for freedom and harmonious life longing. "Jane Eyre" divergence and "see" the return of the native peoples of civilization, reflects two kinds of nationalism indecent. One is negative, it only emphasizes the superiority of this nation's civilization, and the exclusion of other ethnic cultural consciousness. "Jane Eyre" in the French Paris plastic culture is such thoughts from. And the other one is positive nationalism, it emphasizes the ethnic characteristics of civilization, but in fact do not exclude other nation's civilization. It recognizes differences of ethnic culture, and the importance of in the meantime difference, wishes through this kind of difference to better understanding of self and self reflection. "The return of the native" in France is the response to this kind of abstract positive nationalism.


中文摘要   4-5   英文摘要   5   引言   7-10   第一章 巴黎形象   10-21       第一节 “罪恶的城市”——以简.爱为例   10-12       第二节 “全世界美丽的中心”——以还乡为例   12-16       第三节 巴黎形象的特点   16-21   第二章 塑形的文化背景   21-30       第一节 性放纵   23-25       第二节 道德伪善   25-26       第三节 思想束缚   26-28       第四节 英法殖民争夺   28-30   第三章 塑形的文化心理   30-42       第一节 帝国的骄傲与扩张——简.爱的塑形心理   31-34       第二节 帝国的怀疑与反思——还乡的塑形心理   34-37       第三节 深层心理内涵——民族主义   37-42   结语   42-44   参考文献   44-46   后记   46-47  
