
资料分类免费法语论文 责任编辑:黄豆豆更新时间:2017-05-08


China's accession to the WTO, to bring the opportunity to face the stern challenge. The market competition is becoming increasingly fierce, the operation method of the industry increasingly diverse strategy research for enterprise new product market appeared standardization, systematization and diversification. The end, enterprise, after all, how to face ceaselessly appear on the market the new product, how to follow the attendant new products to market governance operation? Has successfully launched a vast new product success listed international famous enterprises, marketing strategy in decathlon will undoubtedly become the new products to market strategy research of the example cases. Decathlon is a set design, childbirth, smooth, sell and service in one of the, international sports activities in the franchise business. 2007 in decathlon company market part of the practice, so I personally experience a product from the early immature to mature gradually change process; six months make me about products into the market operation strategy had strong interest, which is this article using the occurrence of an important reason. Hands in this paper, the new products listed on the internal governance, the actual literature to the study of domestic and foreign new products listed as theory on which it is based, first and foremost of decathlon in the process of new products into the market products pricing and consumer psychological price reactions to do basic research. Secondly, the dialectical analysis of the decathlon new products listed on the marketing strategy of open, originally proposed a new product to appear on the market the management strategy. At the same time, the Chinese enterprises in the new products to market exposed the lack of has competitive strength of the brand; lack the skill content in product research and development; governance and construction of the channel of the emerging vulnerability results, this paper dialectically proposed construction of international new product operation of indecent and attitude. In view of China's rich raw materials reserves and low cost advantage of human capital, many developed countries have to China throws the "olive branch", we should seize this valuable opportunity, slowly in new products to market strategy with the international standards, eventually completed the product. Can foreknow, perfect with various types of supporting facilities, the new product development space great, more and more products will go to the market and even the international market Chinese. And once the standard operation is bound to change the marketing format, adjust to new products into the market structure and level play a positive role to promote.


摘要   4-5   Abstract   5   第1章 绪论   8-17       1.1 问题的提出   8-9           1.1.1 课题来源   8           1.1.2 探讨方向   8-9       1.2 新产品上市的探讨以及运用近况   9-14           1.2.1 新产品上市管理的内涵   9-10           1.2.2 国内外探讨及运用近况   10-12           1.2.3 我国公司新产品上市运作管理的近况   12-14       1.3 本文探讨的目的和意义   14-15       1.4 本文探讨的内容和结构   15-17   第2章 新产品上市的基础探讨   17-32       2.1 新产品上市略论   17-23           2.1.1 作用新产品上市的因素   17-19           2.1.2 新产品上市的产品定位   19           2.1.3 新产品上市的价格策略   19-23       2.2 新产品上市中的消费者心理价格作用略论   23-30           2.2.1 作用消费者对商品价格产生心理反应的主要因素   23-25           2.2.2 消费者对价格的认知心态   25-27           2.2.3 消费者对商品价格产生心理反应的基本模式以及运用   27-30       2.3 本章小结   30-32   第3章 迪卡侬新产品上市的略论   32-39       3.1 迪卡侬企业背景介绍   32-33       3.2 迪卡侬企业策略及略论   33-36           3.2.1 迪卡侬企业策略   33-35           3.2.2 迪卡侬企业策略略论   35-36       3.3 迪卡侬新产品上市的失败案例略论   36-37           3.3.1 案例重现   36           3.3.2 案例略论   36-37       3.4 本章小结   37-39   第4章 迪卡侬新产品上市的策略   39-52       4.1 对迪卡侬新产品上市的全新策划   39-50           4.1.1 迪卡侬企业新产品上市前的预测和评估   40-43           4.1.2 对新产品上市的市场细分   43-44           4.1.3 对新产品上市的产品设计   44-50       4.2 测试市场以及早期市场追踪探讨   50-51           4.2.1 测试市场以及早期市场追踪探讨   50           4.2.2 产品推广   50-51       4.3 本章小结   51-52   第5章 迪卡侬新产品上市对国内新产品运营的借鉴   52-58       5.1 鼓励技术开发   52-53       5.2 产品测试   53-54       5.3 注重促销活动中的细节   54-55       5.4 国内新产品上市的全新策划   55-57       5.5 本章小结   57-58   结论   58-60   参考文献   60-63   攻读学位期间发表的学术论文   63-65   致谢   65  
