二战后,遭遇战斗摧残的法国弗成防止的沦为二流国度。从新执掌法国的戴高乐将军以恢复法国的年夜国位置为本分,推进国际经济成长,保护社会稳固的同时,积极调剂对欧政策,推进欧洲结合成长,希冀以此带动法国经济的成长,并以此进步法国的国际位置,而在这一方面政策的实行也就成为戴高乐欧洲结合思惟的宗旨。归纳综合而言戴高乐的欧洲结合思惟年夜体上包含四个方面的内容一是,法语论文范文,以推动欧洲结合成长的措施晋升法国的年夜国位置,最年夜限制保护法国好处;二是,主意在法德息争的基本上,法语论文网站,推进以法德为轴心的欧洲结合;三是,秉持积极推动并参加欧洲经济一体化,但其实不“融入”的政策,否决国度主权的让渡;四是,主意法国引导下的从年夜西洋到乌拉尔山的年夜欧洲的结合。恰是基于上述四点,戴高乐开端把世界的眼光开端吸引到法国的身上,以此努力于法国国际位置的进步与谈话权的获得。现实证实,戴高乐的欧洲政策,在必定水平上讲,是胜利的,作用也是伟大而又深远的,由于戴高乐所制订的法国对欧政策其实不仅仅是本身“一厢宁愿”的产品,而是代表了其时年夜部门法国人的一个妄想,即,恢复法国以往的光荣,追求法国以往的年夜国位置。由此,我们可以看到戴高乐的对欧政策其实不仅仅特准时期的产品,而是深植于年夜部门法公民众心中的妄想,以此也便可以说明戴高乐今后法国历任总统—蓬皮杜、德斯坦、密特朗和希拉克等一一为什么在分歧水平上都保持戴高乐的欧洲政策不摇动,即便涌现某些详细内容的些微分歧,但终究照样异曲同工。 Abstract: After World War II, encounters by France inevitable become a second rate country. From general De Gaulle in New France to restore the French big country position for duty to promote international economic growth, while protecting social stability, and actively adjust policies to Europe, to promote European integration development, hoping to promote the French economy growth, and on the progress of France's international position, and the implementation of the policy in this regard is De Gaulle has become Europe with the purpose of thinking. De Gaulle summed up the European thoughts with Nianye body contains four aspects: one is to promote the growth of Europe, combined with the method of promotion of France big country position, the biggest limit protecting French benefits; two is the idea in the Franco German compromise, basically, to promote France as the axis of the European Union; three uphold, actively promote and participate in the European economic integration, but not "into" policy, transfer of state sovereignty is rejected; four, the idea of France from Atlantic to Ural mountain from Europe under the guidance of the combination. Just based on the above four points, De Gaulle began to attract the world's vision to France, in order to make efforts to progress in the international position of France and the right to talk. Reality confirmed that De Gaulle's European policy, in a certain level, is the victory, the impact is great and far-reaching, because De Gaulle's French policy for the European Union is actually not just a car would rather than the product, but represents the time of the French people's dream, that is, the restoration of France's past glory, the pursuit of France in the past. Thus, we can see De Gaulle's European policies not only authorized period of products, but rooted in the majority of people in the heart of public law also can explain this delusion, De Gaulle in French presidents Pompidou, Goldstein, Mitterrand and Chirac one one why the differences in the level of keeping De Gaulle's European policy is not shaken, even the emergence of some details of some differential discrimination, but have different approaches but equally satisfactory results. 目录: 内容摘要 4 前言 6-11 一、问题的提出与探讨意义 6 二、探讨近况 6-8 三、存在的问题与不足 8-9 四、探讨框架与主要观点 9-11 第一章 戴高乐欧洲联合思想 11-17 第一节 戴高乐欧洲联合思想的产生 11-14 1. 戴高乐欧洲联合思想产生历史背景 11-13 2. 戴高乐欧洲联合思想产生中的个体因素 13-14 第二节 戴高乐欧洲联合思想内容与特点 14-17 1. 强调欧洲联合中的国家独立性 15 2. 主张建设“欧洲人的欧洲” 15-16 3. 极力促进法德和解 16-17 第二章 戴高乐时期的法国对欧政策 17-28 第一节 法国对德政策的调整 17-20 第二节 共同农业政策:法国与欧共体的争吵 20-21 第三节 富歇计划与法国对欧政治政策 21-24 第四节 “空椅危机”对欧共体超国家方向发展的阻滞 24-26 第五节 戴高乐对英国入盟申请的否决 26-28 第三章 戴高乐欧洲联合思想在后戴高乐时代法国对欧政策中的体现 28-40 第一节 “后戴高乐”总统领导下的法国开放性外交政策 28-30 第二节 戴派作用下的吉斯卡尔式外交 30-32 第三节 “左右共治”下的法国外交 32-35 第四节 希拉克的“戴高乐式”外交 35-38 第五节 萨科齐:法国外交新变化 38-40 结语 40-41 参考文献 41-44 |