
资料分类免费法语论文 责任编辑:黄豆豆更新时间:2017-05-08


John Fowles is a famous novelist who enjoys a great reputation in the modern English literary circles. He is the author of the novel full of praise, tastes. Medium, "the French Lieutenant's Woman" in 1969 appeared due to its high artistic attainments, gained wide acclaim from academia and was acknowledged to be his masterpiece. Critics have made a profound discussion of the novel from the following aspects, such as the post ancient doctrine, the traditional realism, the new history, existentialism, feminism and so on. Undoubtedly these discussions on our further study of the novel is a revelation of the impact of. After reading the novel and all kinds of comments, we are not difficult to find, the critics have neglected the uncertainty of the existence of the novel, this is an important aesthetic characteristics of the study of ancient times. As before World War II face novel forms once dry novelist, Fowles also recognize the meantime novels positive toward the stern challenge, that is how to use new creative means to represent the actual postwar Oriental society and people 's living experience. Fowles used to continue and try to go beyond the traditional literary position, take the post of the ancient doctrine of uncertainty in the creation of the French Lieutenant's woman. The characters in the novel, the plot and the theme of uncertainty, not only in line with the people around the world are not sure of feeling, but also for the post World War II, the growth of the novel provides a new future. This paper is divided into five parts: introduction, the first chapter, the second chapter, the third chapter and the conclusion. Introduction on the one hand, the French Lieutenant's woman, the literary attainments and the critics of the various aspects of the novel. Also briefly introduced the uncertainty of after World War II, in the east of the social background and literary characteristics and face creation dilemma, and discuss the post modernism and the French Lieutenant's Woman "the character image, plot and theme of the not sure of. In the first chapter, I analyze the uncertainty of the abstract of the heroine Sara and the French Lieutenant's woman. The French Lieutenant's woman is a mystery. Sara's true self and true identity has always been in a state of uncertainty and mystery, and she is a mystery that no one can understand. Although the novel's discourse, male hero Charles and the novel's other characters on Sara from all aspects of the discussion and criticism, but they still can not have a certain familiarity with Sara. And discusses their abstract not sure that on the one hand he is traditional omniscient omnipotent discussed. Characters of the Victoria has complete control. The antecedents and consequences of free self introductions of town, appraise the character of action. But on the other hand, the discourse has been jumping out from behind the scenes to comment on the story. And discussed also as a figure to emerge, identity and ceaseless change and debate with the traditional paper, breaking the omniscient author of abstraction. The second chapter discussed the uncertainty of the plot of the French Lieutenant's woman. Fowles applied cross time and space and open at the beginning of the writing skills, will prance of real life and uncertainty of the inorganic demonstrated. Cross time and space performance in falls in the invention of a let readers think that the real Victorian also is mixed with the 20th century rare things. Also falls from the Jizhu readers to supply the at the beginning of the opening of the three divergent for the reader to consider,, and not like traditional novels at the beginning of that give a causal relationship between big clearance. The third chapter comments on the subject of the French Lieutenant's woman. Traditional novels have only subjects dismally, and falls in with innovation creation means the abstract is certainly not the characters and plot moment that make it difficult for readers to obtain the full command of a positive constant theme. Certainly never character abstraction and plot readers can analyze falls to suppress the Victorian intense lash and Sarah and Charles quest for freedom. In part, as a conclusion, that in the French Lieutenant's woman characters in the image, plot and theme of the uncertainty denotes not only the postwar Oriental Society of information techniques and the eve of all the media and rapid growth has actually brought to people not sure feeling, also for the growth of the postwar English novel provides a choice.

