
资料分类免费法语论文 责任编辑:黄豆豆更新时间:2017-05-08


European integration is the process of regional integration, which is the highest and the most extensive and most influence in the world. As a European country, France has a serious impact on the European integration. Along with the historical evolution of European integration, the French European integration policy experience a established and continuously adjust the process, showed significant stage characteristics. 1950 "Schuman plan" was formally promulgated, marking the formal establishment of the European integration policy of France, France has become the process of European integration, the "proposal" and "advocate". From 1958 to 1969, the European integration policy of France hit the mark of De Gaulle. De Gaulle established the Franco German axis, support and cooperate with the customs union of agricultural policy. At the same time, he tried to "empty chair crisis" to change the integration of the super national bias, showing the characteristics of the two sides of the French European integration policy, become a serious adjustment of the policy. In the 1970s and 1980s is the climax of the European integration, but the French to redouble their retreat dexterous policy useful to promote the European integration is profound, attempting to "Monet in Europe" and "Charles de Gaulle Europe" between the pursuit of balance. French law and German axis for basic propulsion the European political cooperation, set up the Council of Europe and the European monetary system, the European Parliament direct universal suffrage, via the single European Act, but also to deepen economic and Monetary Union and political union closely tied with a German. After the cold war, the French double positive efforts on European integration. Chirac in strengthening the Franco German axis basically to promote European Monetary Union and the defense system support, Western European allies to be integrated into the European Union, support for EU enlargement. But the French rejection of the itself to promote the EU constitution contract ", a time into the" poor Mr. "have attracted much criticism. Into the new century, the French European integration policy is uncertain and hesitant. For the liberation of the dilemma, Nicolas Sarkozy proposed a "return to Europe", but its European integration policy expressed and applicable with speculative characteristics. Facing the debt crisis in Europe, France had enhanced the Franco German harmonic and collaboration to be addressed, while Germany takes advantage of opportunity for promotion within the EU position. Fran OIS Hollande, the new step down to from the new equilibrium EU external relations, the relationship between France and Germany the emergence of a new intention, but collaboration in the eve of the disagreement. French European integration policy has been adjusted, but has been to ensure that the national security, the promotion of the country's position and influence for the important purpose of the country. Future European integration policy of France will continue to adjust, but no matter right still left in charge of the regime, the policy includes some of the same identity: the basic position of the Franco German axis invariant; to European integration to promote French influence in the promotion of the purpose of the same; in the deepened reform and priority criterion bias unchanged.

