在全球化与区域一体化海潮的推进下,不管是在蓬勃国度,照样在成长中国度,处所管理活动正赓续地走强,日趋成为现今国际社会注视的政治与行政成长景象。具有浓重国度主义传统的法国,也一悛改去中心集权的传统,而付与处所以自立权,不只深入转变了中心与处所的关系,并且直接推进了法国处所管理系统的变更。比拟于省当局与年夜区当局,法语论文网站,市镇当局作为法国最下层的处所当局组织,在轨制上具有更年夜的管理自在与空间。在详细的处所管理进程中,法语论文,它们不管是在市镇外部与国民、各类组织和社会集团好处瓦相整合方面,照样在内部与其他雷同层级或分歧层级的处所当局、中心当局和国际组织相互感化方面,都服从互惠、信赖、对话式商量和协作的价值文明,展开多种情势、分歧水平的权利的立异、调剂与分派,使多元介入者能配合享有处所成长的结果,从而光鲜地表现了法国处所管理的特点。但法国市镇在处所管理中也存在着市镇官员权利过年夜、非当局组织感化施展不敷充足、国民介入缺乏正式轨制支配、处所自立权依然缺乏等一些成绩,须要赓续地经由过程改造立异来处理。 Abstract: In advance of globalization and regional integration of the tide, no matter is in the developed countries, still in the growth of China, premises management activities is continuously stronger, becoming more today the international community to look at the political and administrative development scene. With strong national tradition of France, but also changes to traditional centralized, and entrusted with the office so self-reliance in not only deeply changed the relationship between central and local, and directly promoted the change of premises management system in France. Compared with the provincial authorities and the district authorities, the city authorities as the lowest level of the French local authorities, in orbit, with greater management of freedom and space. In the place with the management process, however is in the city outside the town and the national, all kinds of organizations and social group benefits tile phase integration, still in internal and other similar action levels or different levels of local government, central authorities and international organizations interaction, service from reciprocity, trust, dialogue to discuss and collaborate to civilization, expand the rights of various forms, different level of innovation, dispensing and distribution, so that multiple intervention can cooperation enjoys place growth results, thus bright showed the characteristics of French premises management. But French town in the management of premises also exist in the town officials right in the new year night, non government organization affect the display is not enough sufficient, national intervention lack formal dominance, local autonomy is still a lack of some achievement, need ceaselessly through reform and innovation. 目录: 1 引言 6-9 1.1 探讨的背景 6-7 1.2 探讨的目的 7-8 1.3 探讨的内容及措施 8-9 2 地方治理:一个新的略论框架 9-15 2.1 治理的概念界定 9-10 2.2 地方治理的内涵 10-13 2.3 地方政府角色的重新定位 13-15 3 法国市镇与地方治理 15-21 3.1 法国市镇的历史考察 15-17 3.2 法国市镇开展地方治理运动的现实需求 17-21 4 法国市镇政府的地位及其内部结构 21-26 4.1 法国市镇政府的法学地位 21-22 4.2 法国市镇政府的行政结构 22-24 4.3 法国市镇政府的财政制度 24-26 5 法国市镇政府的运作 26-41 5.1 市镇的内部维度 26-30 5.1.1 公民参与 26-28 5.1.2 公司合作 28-30 5.2 市镇的外部维度 30-41 5.2.1 市镇联合 31-33 5.2.2 与其它层级地方政府的协调 33-35 5.2.3 与中央关系的调整 35-39 5.2.4 国际交流 39-41 6 评价 41-46 6.1 市镇长的影响 41-43 6.2 公共服务的提供 43-44 6.3 地方民主的发展 44-45 6.4 中央政府的作用力 45-46 7 结语 46-47 参考文献 47-52 后记 52 |