
资料分类免费法语论文 责任编辑:黄豆豆更新时间:2017-05-08


The classic French Lieutenant's woman, the ancient Chinese literature, has had a widespread and lasting influence on the scale of the world since its inception in 1969. From the novel published so far, many critics are trying to stop the charm of interpretation. Some thought that the novel reflects Fowles's thoughts of existentialism; more people thought the charm of the novel originated in ancient literary narrative skills, exactly, most of the novels of the 20th century by the impact of modernism is quite deep, to consider here the novel writing date, right in this paper attempts from the ancient collectivism brought the warrior matter -- Foucault's "discipline and punishment" indecent begin to interpret the conversion relation between the French Lieutenant's woman in all the right position. Charles was born into a noble family and engagement with the Di Nading Zhumen later and in the right relationship, he described is in the relative position of. But according to Foucault's power is not the right to a static collection of relations. Charles's advantage position was overthrown, and then in the power relationship of the dominant position. Sara, because it was widely thought that the French Lieutenant's sexual objects, and was placed on the edge of the community, is in the right relationship network, she is in the dominant position. But Sara unwilling to permanently in the middle of repression, she has the right to apply the right relationship between the static nature, and actively fight against all kinds of repressive rights relations, after all, the right to change the active position of automatic, complete the purpose of her life. Narrator in to create their own virtual story, sometimes uses omniscient point of view on the character analysis, sometimes demonstrated itself cannot, characters do not know thinks; just tell there in the 19th century and ancient eyesight retrial in the 20th century; conceited slander the pinch a virtual story, but that the hesitate, I do not know the story of the beginning of that. Tweaked the arguer position, explains who no longer control deals with the right to dominate, in the narrative and discuss with readers and discusses the relations between the right network, the arguer have right to dominate the transfer to the reader and itself is in active position of rights. Through the process of the novels of the various rights of the status of the analysis, this paper in a certain level to remind and prove that the right is a static social network. In this kind of relation network, a person's right position can produce change.


Acknowledgements   6-7   Abstract in English   7-8   Abstract in Chinese   9-10   Chapter One Introduction   10-13       1.1 Brief Introduction to John Fowles   10-11       1.2 Brief Summary of The French Lieutenant\'s Woman   11-13   Chapter Two Literature Review   13-20       2.1 The Social and Historical Significances of this Novel   13-14       2.2 The Existentialist Thoughts Embodied in the Novel   14-16       2.3 The Use of the Post-modern Writing Devices   16-20   Chapter Three Michel Foucault\'s Power View in Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison   20-27       3.1 Michel Foucault\'s Concept of Power   21-22       3.2 Michel Foucault\'s Power View in Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison   22-27   Chapter Four Power Position Shifts in The French Lieutenant\'s Woman in the Light of Foucault\'s Power View   27-46       4.1 Sarah\'s Power Position Shifts: from Inferiority to Superiority   27-34           4.1.1 Shifts between Sarah and Mrs. Talbot   27-28           4.1.2 Shifts between Sarah and Mrs. Poulteney/ the Community of Lyme   28-31           4.1.3 Shifts between Sarah and Charles   31-33           4.1.4 Sarah\'s Obtaining Superior Power Position   33-34       4.2 Charles\' Power Position Shifts: from Superiority to Inferiority   34-40           4.2.1 Shifts between Charles and Ernestina   35-36           4.2.2 Shifts between Charles and Sam   36-38           4.2.3 Shifts between Charles and Sarah   38-40           4.2.4 Charles\'s Finale: Degraded to Inferior Power Position   40       4.3 The Narrator\'s Power Position Shifts: from Dominant to Dominated   40-46           4.3.1 Shifts between the Narrator and the Fiction   40-43      Dominant Power Position of the Narrator   40-42      Dominated Power Position of the Narrator   42-43           4.3.2 Shifts between the Narrator and Readers   43-46      Dominant Power Position of the Narrator   43-44      Dominated Power Position of the Narrator   44-46   Chapter Five Conclusion   46-48   Notes   48-52   Bibliography   52-54  
