爱德华·马奈(edouard Manet,1832-1883)是十九世纪法国有名画家。经由过程他,东方绘画从传统的写实主义转向了以表达视觉上的光色感触感染为目的的印象主义作风,并对后来的古代主义诸多派别发生作用。作为世界绘画史上继往开来的巨大画家,他的浩瀚不朽艺术著作却鲜有被选入其时的官方艺术沙龙,其缘由是,他的著作题材、作风与其时官方沙龙的评审尺度存在着伟大的差别和抵触。本文的研究目的是在国际外相干实际研究结果的基本之上,经由过程对马奈著作的归结整顿,发明马奈的著作不克不及被其时官方沙龙所接收,重要缘由在于其绘画创作的三年夜特色,即女性题材的特别性、画面的立体性和图式的传承性。为此,联合马奈的著作对其三年夜特色一一睁开了研究。以全新的视角,剖析马奈著作多次落第官方沙龙的缘由。研究发明,马奈创作特色的构成来之不容易,他对艺术的保持更让人寂然起敬。在论文的详细阐述中,重要运用实证研究剖析办法,梳理马奈的代表著作及其极具立异精力的创作不雅念,研讨画家立异的艺术不雅念的构成及其与其时官方沙龙的评审尺度存在的差别。经由过程相干绘画著作的深刻略论,说明其著作所包括的艺术特点。对草地上的午饭、奥林匹亚、穿斗牛士服装的维多利亚蜜斯、吹笛少年和其他相干绘画著作与题材、创作思绪及作用等外容作出翔实深入的描写和阐释,从而使年夜家对马奈的立异理念及其引诱推进的古代主义艺术有一个更加深刻过细的懂得。 Abstract: Edward Manal (Manet Edouard, 1832-1883) is a famous painter in France in nineteenth Century. Through him, Oriental painting from the traditional realism to express feelings color visual appeal for the purpose of the impressionist style, and have the influence on the later ancient doctrine of many factions. As a great painter painting in the history of the world of the future, his vast immortal works of art are rarely chosen as the official art salon, the reason is that his works, style and salon review scale exist great differences and conflicts. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the results of the international and foreign practical research. The process of the invention is not to be received by the official salon. The important reason is that the three major characteristics of the painting creation, namely, the special nature of female subject, the stereoscopic and the inheritance of the schema. To this end, the work of the United Ma Nai of the three characteristics of the one one opened a discussion. From a new perspective, to analyze the reasons of Manet's works repeatedly into the salon. The research found a MANET characteristics to the creation of art is not easy, he remains even more awe. In detail the important application of empirical research, analysis, combing Ma Nai's representative works and very innovative creation concept, discuss the painter innovative artistic concept and constitution and the official salon review scale difference. Through the deep analysis of the process of the relevant paintings, the artistic features of the works are illustrated. The "grass" lunch, "Olympia", "wearing a matador in Vitoria", "honey boy" flute and other coherent paintings and themes, creative thoughts and influence the content such as the detailed in-depth description and explanation to make art, so that the concept of innovation and promote the lure of MANET the ancient doctrine has a more profound understanding of meticulous. 目录: 摘要 3-4 Abstract 4 第一章 绪论 8-11 第一节 探讨背景与探讨意义 8 第二节 对于马奈与沙龙探讨近况略论 8-9 第三节 探讨内容及章节安排 9-11 第二章 十九世纪法国文化场域 11-16 第一节 十九世纪法国美术的时代背景 11-12 第二节 沙龙的发展历程及其当时的地位 12-13 第三节 马奈与十九世纪沙龙 13-15 第四节 本章小结 15-16 第三章 马奈著作被沙龙拒绝的原因之一——女性题材的特殊性 16-23 第一节 十九世纪前女性题材艺术著作的发展 16-18 第二节 马奈的女性题材著作 18-21 第三节 马奈著作中女性题材的特殊性 21-22 第四节 本章小结 22-23 第四章 马奈著作被沙龙拒绝的原因之二——空间的平面性 23-29 第一节 马奈之前绘画的空间观念 23-24 第二节 日本浮世绘对马奈绘画空间观念的作用 24-27 第三节 马奈绘画著作的空间平面性 27-28 第四节 本章小结 28-29 第五章 马奈著作被沙龙拒绝的原因之三——图式的传承性 29-34 第一节 绘画史上图式的传承与发展 29 第二节 马奈传承经典图式的著作 29-32 第三节 马奈绘画著作的图式传承性 32-33 第四节 本章小结 33-34 结语 34-37 图版 37-50 参考文献 50-52 致谢 52 |