
资料分类免费法语论文 责任编辑:黄豆豆更新时间:2017-05-08


Bourdieu (2002 - 1930) was a French sociologist with world influence in twentieth Century. His works have had a widespread influence in the fields of sociology, philosophy and other social sciences. This paper intends to select the knowledge sociology "such a unique perspective, to mining of Bourdieu's thinking common sense of social science" is matched by the "relationship. The notes, on the one hand, knowledge of Bourdieu's sociology is a hierarchical solution of Bourdieu all social philosophy connotation of logic of the red line, need the clues from the complex practical theory divided and summarized to pick up smoking, to be comprehensive; on the other hand, from the view of knowledge sociology perspective Bourdieu thought framework of Sociology of knowledge did not leave all the French common sociological tradition "subject paradigm", it continues to French knowledge sociology two focus characteristics of traditional -- 1, pay attention to deep human cognition and thought in front of the conscious, 2, pay attention to the usefulness of mining knowledge from personal knowledge in basic -- and from the scene to learn. The results of these two features from the new express stop. First, Bourdieu application field to replace the "society", with the "generating schema", "theory", "confidence", "personality" to refer to the resolution of the principle of the resolution of common sense. Between "thinking" and "social" secret relationship because of the introduction of these new concepts, when the argument is double Practice makes perfect. Secondly, through the process of will "theory" concept introduced knowledge sociology in France, and the "theory of knowledge" and "superstition (Sociology) common sense" follow different logical features stop explaining, Bourdieu also discuss the generation of useful knowledge to rely on detailed social premise. After these two "reform", showing the French social common sense traditional force have a significant promotion in explaining, and become the same discipline of social science tradition and other common society school relatively resistant to "paradigm". On the tectonic control on, on the part of introduction chapeau of present knowledge of social science research status stop briefly in the paper, and to take on the "French intellectual social science tradition" this is common sense and social studies the implicit tradition of long-term neglect "stop digging. The second chapter and the third chapter, combined with the tradition of French sociology, focus on the characteristics of the two years, and the sociological thinking of Bourdieu's Sociology of knowledge. Medium. In the second chapter, it is important to first characteristic as a clue, borrow by the analysis of the relationship of Bourdieu argues that "common sense" and "social" strange way, discuss Bourdieu common sense of social science thoughts; and chapter three important button "common sense not Ya useful results on Bourdieu on the usual theoretical knowledge and artistic knowledge and scientific knowledge and social science knowledge with knowledge categories open social science research. As the conclusion of the thesis, the first chapter summarizes the characteristics of Bourdieu's Sociology of knowledge at the same time, it also explains the detailed contributions from the two aspects of the sociology of the common sense of social science to the French sociology of knowledge.

