作为中国男子网坛的领武士物,“网坛一姐”李娜2011年澳年夜利亚网球地下赛中获得了亚军,但是李娜一鼓作气在2011年法网地下赛中一举夺冠,成为中国人甚至亚洲人的自满,随之她的小我单打世界排名飙升至第7位,发明了中国网坛的汗青。本文运用文献材料法、专家访谈法、数理统计法和比较剖析法,以李娜2011年法网地下赛的7场竞赛作为研究对象,对李娜在竞赛中得分制胜身分停止研究剖析,对应项李娜得分才能的相干身分做出回归剖析,找出李娜在竞赛中制胜得分的优势,肯定作用李娜竞赛得分才能的重要身分并停止解析,以进步她们单打竞赛的的竞技程度。研究成果以下:1。发球方面,李娜的一发胜利率与敌手的发球胜利率存在异常明显性差别,法语毕业论文,李娜显著优于敌手;一发发球得分率方面,李娜与敌手之间存在明显性差别,P值小于0。05;李娜更重视中路的发球;二发得分率方面,P值小于0。05,李娜比拟对阵选手存在显著优势,具有明显性差别;ACE球和双误方面,P值均年夜于0。05,解释两边不存在明显性差别。2。接发球方面,李娜与敌手在接发球得分率不和存在明显性差别,李娜接一发更重视接发球的稳固性,二发增强了球的防御性,法语论文题目,比敌手略胜一筹。3。破发技巧方面,两边在破发机遇,破发胜利次数和破发胜利率方面停止自力样本 T磨练获得的P值均小于0。05,李娜在以上三方面具有异常显著的优势。4。非受迫性掉误和自动得分(制胜分)方面,经自力样本 T磨练后,两边在自动得分方面存在明显性差别,2011年法网7场竞赛中,李娜比对方凌驾68记制胜分,均匀每场7。6个;两边在非受迫性掉误方面不存在明显性差别。5。网前技巧方面,经由自力样本 T磨练,两边在网前得分、上彀次数和网前得分率三方面的P值均年夜于0。05,解释李娜在2011年法国网球地下赛中的网前技巧方面和敌手不存在明显性差别。6。经由全体停止回归剖析得知,李娜在2011年法国网球地下赛中的制胜的身分为一发得分率,其他身分不是李娜获得成功的最重要缘由。 Abstract: As a Chinese man tennis brought the warrior matter, "a sister of tennis," Li 2011 Australian tennis underground race won the runner up, but Li bang in the 2011 French underground race swoop, become the pride of Chinese people even Asians, along with her personal single world ranking rose to No. 7, invented the Chinese tennis history. The application of literature material method, expert interview method, mathematical statistics and comparative analysis method, to Li Na of the 2011 French underground race of 7 games as the research object, Li Na in the competition score winning factors to carry on the research analysis, corresponding Li Na to score the relevant element make regression analysis, found advantages of Li Na in the contest winning score, certainly affect Li race to score an important identity and stop parsing, to improve their singles competition of athletics level. The results of the study are as follows: 1. Serve, Li Na a wins rates with the adversary serves wins rates are obviously abnormal difference, Li Na was significantly better than the opponent; a serve scoring rate, Li Na and between rival exist significant differences between, with a p value of less than 0. 05; Li Na more emphasis on the middle of the serve; two hair score rate, P value of less than 0. 05, Li Na compared to the players there is a significant advantage, with a significant difference; ACE ball and double error, P values are greater than 0. 05, there is no obvious difference between the two sides. 2. Receiving, Li Na and adversary in ace don't rate there was a significant difference between, Li Na after a pay more attention to the service of the solid ground, two enhanced the ball defensive than rival slightly better. 3. Break skills and on both sides in the break point opportunities, break the number of victories and break wins rates stop independent sample t hone obtained P values were less than 0. 05, Li Na in the above three aspects have a significant advantage. 4. Unforced loss error and automatic score (winners) aspects, by independent sample t trials, on both sides of the automatic scoring exist obvious difference, 2011 French Open 7 games, Li than the other above 68 record the winning points, even every 7. 6; there is no obvious difference between the two sides in the non forced out of error. 5. Net technique, through independent sample t hone, on both sides of the net score, sufficient number of scoring rate of P values are larger in 0. 05, explain Li Na in 2011 in the French tennis underground in the network before the skills and the opponent does not exist obvious difference. 6. Through the analysis of all the regression analysis that, Li Na in 2011 in the French Open tennis tournament in the identity of the winning score, other factors are not the most important reason for Li Na's success. 目录: |