本文是一篇体系研究控权形式轨制的专题论文,对于作为英美法系和年夜陆法系的典范代表一英国和法国的控权轨制停止了深刻的比拟。这两个国度在法治构建方面临世界其他国度的作用都异常的伟大。它们很多胜利的司法轨制也都被其他国度抢先恐后的所效仿。固然英国与法国在地舆上具有亲源关系,但是,这两个国度的司法轨制构建方面确切迥然分歧。这固然有其深入的汗青本源和国情基本。特别是英国与法国行政法上的控权形式的构成,均要相符两国国情,顺应它们两国的司法传统、平易近族传统、政治体系体例及社会经济情形。因为英国与法国的政治司法轨制、汗青文明传统等身分的差别,招致其行政法上的控权形式的汗青成长形式存在着极年夜的异同。没有最好的形式,法语论文题目,只要最合适的形式。经由过程比拟,我们也能够看出英国与法国行政法上的控劝形式的分歧特色。全文重要内容共分五章,约4万字。第一章:控权形式研究的实际基本。该章重要论述控权形式的根本概念。共分三节。第一节论述“控权”概念的剖析和研究“控权”的需要性。第二节从形式的寄义和形式的内容两方面临“形式”概念停止深刻剖析。最初,法语论文,简略阐述一下“控权形式”国际研究现状。第二章:英国、法国行政法控权形式的汗青成长。该章重要从汗青成长的角度对英、法两国的控权轨制停止扼要引见。本章共分两节。第一节英国行政法控权形式的汗青成长。第二节法国行政法控权形式的汗青成长。第三章:英、法行政法控权形式剖析。该章详细引见英国和法国的行政法上的控权形式。共分两节。第一节论述英国行政法控权形式,从英国行政法对控权形式的准绳性设定、英国行政法上的主体控权形式、英国行政法上的法式控权形式一以行政地下查询拜访为例和英国行政法上的救援控权形式几方面引见。第二节引见法国行政法控权形式,从法国行政法对控权形式的准绳性设定、法国行政法上的主体控权形式、法国行政法上的法式控权形式一行政运动的司法化和法国行政法上的救援控权形式停止论述。第四章:对英、法行政法控权形式的比拟。该章详细比拟英、法行政法控权形式。第一节比拟英、法行政法控权形式的雷同点。从法管理论为英、法行政法有用控权供给了条件、法治国度为掌握行政权供给了政治基本、权利的分立使权利之间获得了有用的制衡和行政救援轨制的完美是“控权”的有用保证等几方面总结雷同点。第二节比拟英、法行政法控权形式的分歧点。从司法在“控权”时的价值尺度分歧、法国一严厉规矩形式vs.英国一合法法式形式和行政救援中司法救援的功效分歧等几方面总结分歧点。第五章:英、法行政法掌握权形式的可自创经历。该章详细剖析英、法行政法掌握权形式的可自创经历。第一节引见严厉规矩形式的危机一司法尺度的隐约化。第二节引见法式抗辨一合法法式轨制的完美。 Abstract: This article is a system of research on the form of control system of the special paper, as the common law system and the continental law system as a model representative of a British and French control of the rail system has a profound comparison. The two countries in the rule of law in the construction of other countries in the world have a great influence. Many of them win justice system are themselves in the other countries to follow. Although Britain and France in the geography has pro - source relationship, however, the judicial system in the two countries construction exact utterly different. This course has its profound historical origin and basic national conditions. In particular, the form of control of the British and French administrative law, should conform to the national conditions of the two countries, to comply with the judicial tradition of their two countries, national tradition, political system and social economic situation. Because of the difference between the British and French political justice system, historical and cultural traditions and other factors, resulting in the form of administrative law on the form of the right to control the form of historical growth there is a huge difference. There is no best form, as long as the most appropriate form. Through the comparison, we can see the differences between the British and French administrative law in the form of control. The important content is divided into five chapters, about 4 words. The first chapter: the practical basis of the study of the form of control right. This chapter discusses the basic concept of the form of power control. Totally divided into three sections. The first section discusses the concept of "control power" analysis and discussion of the "control" of the need for. Section second from the form of the meaning and form of the content of the two party facing the concept of "form" profound analysis. At first, a brief exposition of the "control form" international seminar. The second chapter: the historical development of British and French administrative law control form. This chapter is important from the perspective of the historical development of the British and French control of the power system to stop the brief introduction. This chapter is divided into two sections. The first section of the British administrative law to control the form of historical growth. The second section of the French administrative law in the form of historical development. The third chapter: the analysis of the forms of control right of political science and law in Britain and france. The chapter details the British and French control in the form of administrative law. Altogether divided into two sections. First section discusses English administrative law control in form, from the British administrative law to control right, the principle of setting, British administrative law on the subject of control rights, the British administrative law on the French control in the form of a administrative underground query visit for the rescue and British administrative law cases of control in several aspects to introduce. Second section describes French administrative law control in form, from the French administrative law to control right, the principle of setting, French administrative law on the subject of control rights, the administrative law of France on the French control in the form of administrative exercise of judicial and administrative law of France's rescue control rights to carry on the elaboration. The fourth chapter: the comparison of the form of control of the law and politics in Britain and france. This chapter is more detailed than the form of British and legal control of political and legal control. Comparison of the first section of the British, legal and political control in the form of similar points. From the law theory for English, French administrative law useful control supply conditions, the country under the rule of law to master the administrative power supply the basic political rights, separation of the rights obtained useful for the perfect of checks and balances and administrative relief system is "power controlling" useful guarantee summary with thunder. Comparison of the second sections of the British, legal and political control in the form of differences points. From the justice in the control of the value of the scale differences, France, a severe form of vs. in the form of a legal form of the United Kingdom and administrative relief and judicial relief in terms of differences in the effectiveness of differences and other aspects of the summary points. The fifth chapter: English, law and politics and law of the right form of the right to own experience. The chapter detailed analysis of the British, legal and political rights in the form of the right to own experience. The first section describes the form of severe rules and regulations of the crisis of the looming. The second section introduces the French to identify a legal system of the perfect French system. 目录: |