二〇一二年是法国的总统年夜选年。时任法国总统的尼古拉·萨科齐与其时社会党候选人,现任法国总统弗朗索瓦·奥朗德之间的总统年夜选之战,经由过程消息媒体的诸多报导,吸引了全球的存眷。消息报导有两年夜根本准绳:真实性与客不雅性,记者们的消息从业职责也由此决议。平日每份报纸都有其根本的政治立场,老是支撑或否决某一政党或某一引导人。是以,面临总统年夜选,记者们须要采用特别的说话手腕到达既压服读者又不与其职业品德相抵触的目标。我们的研究目标就在于发掘总统年夜选消息报导中记者采取的对于“避责”战略的说话手腕。我们研究的语料来公费加罗报在年夜选时代的报导。本文分为四章。第一章容身于树立实际框架,个中辞汇场、修辞手段、语用学是我们的研究对象。第二章着眼剖析了记者采取的到达躲避义务目标两个辞汇场:“战斗”与“比赛”。第三章剖析了修辞手段中的“避责”手腕,侧重剖析了以下修辞手段:明喻、隐喻、反衬、白描、反讽等。最初一章,剖析了消息报导中语用学范畴的“避责”手腕,比方:无人称、泛指代词on、直接引语、前提式、感慨句和含语式意义的动词和副词等说话手腕。总而言之,本文旨在剖析对于法国总统年夜选的消息报导中采用的“避责”说话手腕,法语论文网站,法语毕业论文,愿望我们的研究可以赞助对此感兴致的读者懂得法国媒体在此事宜所起到的感化。 Abstract: Two, one or two years is the French presidential election year. When he was French President Nicolas Nicola Sarkozy and the Socialist Party candidate, the incumbent French President Nicolas Francois Hollande, the presidential election of the war, through a lot of news media reports, has attracted global attention. News reports have two basic principles: authenticity and customer, the reporter's message from this resolution. Every newspaper has its basic political position, always support or reject a political party or a guide. To facing a presidential election, journalists need achieve the goal is to persuade readers and their professional ethics conflict with particular speech wrist. Our aim is to explore the president's choice of news reports in the press to take on the "avoidance" strategy to speak the wrist. We discuss the corpus to Le Figaro reported in the era of public election eve. This paper is divided into four chapters. The first chapter based on the set theory frame, Chinese lexical field, rhetoric, pragmatics is our research object. The second chapter focuses on the analysis of the arrival of the reporter to avoid the obligations of the target two words: "fighting" and "competition"". The third chapter analyzes the rhetorical means "to avoid responsibility wrist", focused on analyzing the rhetoric means: simile, metaphor, contrast, uncluttered, and irony. The first chapter, analysis of the news reports in the domain of pragmatics of "avoid responsibility wrist", for example: no person, an indefinite pronoun on, direct speech, premise, feeling sentences and language meaning of verbs and adverbs containing speak wrist. All in all, this article aims to analyze the news reports on the French presidential election in the use of the "responsibility" to speak, the desire of our research can help readers understand the sense of interest in the media in this matter should play a role. 目录: REMERCIMENT 5-6 RESUME 6-8 摘要 8 INTRODUCTION 11-17 0.1 Intérêt de recherche 11-13 0.2 Méthode de recherche 13-15 0.3 Organisation du mémoire 15-17 CHAPITRE I CADRE THEORIQUE 17-29 1.1 Le champ lexical 17-20 1.2 Les figures de style 20-24 1.3 La pragmatique 24-29 1.3.1 L\'évolution de la pragmatique 24-25 1.3.2 Certains termes importants de la pragmatique 25-29 CHAPITRE II. LES PROCEDES D\'ATTENUATION INSCRIT DANS LE CADRE DU CHAMP LEXICAL 29-37 2.1 Le champ lexical conceptualisé 29-30 2.2 Le recours au champ lexical de la guerre 30-33 2.3 Le recours au champ lexical du concours 33-37 CHAPITRE III. LES PROCEDES D\'ATTENUATION DANS LE CADRE DES FIGURES DE STYLE 37-51 3.1 L\'usage de la métaphore et de la comparaison 38-41 3.2 L\'usage de l\'antithèse 41-45 3.3 L\'usage de l\'écriture blanche 45-48 3.4 L\'usage de l\'ironie 48-51 CHAPITRE IV. LES PROCEDES D\'ATTENUATION DANS LE DOMAINE DE LA PRAGMATIQUE 51-81 4.1 L\'usage de la polyphonie 51-62 4.1.1 L\'usage du discours rapporté 52-57 4.1.2 L\'usage de la non-personne 57-60 4.1.3 L\'usage du pronom on 60-62 4.2 L\'usage de la modalisation 62-81 4.2.1 L\'usage des verbes à valeur modale 63-66 4.2.2 L\'usage des adverbes à valeur modale 66-71 4.2.3 L\'usage du conditionnel 71-74 4.2.4 L\'usage de la phrase d\'exclamation 74-81 CONCLUSION 81-85 BIBLIOGRAPHIE 85-89 ANNEXE : LES TITRES DES ARTICLES COLLECTéS DU FIGARO 89-98 |