
资料分类免费法语论文 责任编辑:黄豆豆更新时间:2017-05-08
论文摘要: 二十世纪二十年代正是我国五四新文学运动时期.我国的本土文学在这一时期正经历一场文学(略)文化和新文学运动是以打破传统建制为主要目标,而当时的倡议者也一直尝试建立新的文学传统.他们把目光投向国外,希望从国外借鉴有利于自己的东西,从而建立中国的新文学.于是该时期(略)学在这一特殊的历史时期有独特的特点.该时期还有一个比较特殊的现象,就是文学团体和期刊的建立和蓬勃.当时的文学期刊大量刊载翻译文学和介绍各国文学,文学家的评论(略)对外国文学的译介起了不可忽视的影响. 该时期(五四时期)的翻译文学近年来也引起了学术界的关注.著书立卷者颇多,但探讨者习惯上把目光投向出版机构的单行本译著,文艺期刊的情况常有忽略.目前为止较少人从期刊的角度来研讨这段特殊时期的外国翻译文学.本文选取了该时期最重要的期刊(略)月报上刊载的法国文学和英国文学的翻译文章和介绍评论文章,考察该期刊在译介法英文学时,其对这两国文学的选材受到怎样的意识形态诗学作用. 本论文在对小说月报上刊载的法国文学和英国文学的译介文章进行描述探讨时,借用了操纵学派代表勒菲(略)形态和诗学与...
The time of the 1920s in China was exactly during the period of China s New Literat(omitted)nt. China s national (omitted) was experiencing a kind (omitted)y revolution at this time. The aim of this New Literat(omitted)nt was to destroy traditional literary system and to establish China s new(omitted)e. The new literature advocators hoped to borrow some things from foreign literatures in order to construct China s own literature. Thus the translated literature in this period had its unique features. A ...
目录:Abstract in English   第5页   Abstract in Chinese   第7-9页   Contents   第9-11页   1 Introduction   第11-30页     ·The research scope of the thesis   第11-15页     ·Previous studies in the translated literature published in journals in the 1920   第15-22页       ·From the perspective of Chinese literary history   第15-16页       ·From the perspective of the history of translated literature in China   第16-20页       ·From the perspective of comparative literature   第20-22页     ·The research approach of the thesis   第22-27页     ·An introduction of Short Story Magazine (xiaoshuo yuebao) and previous studies in the journal   第27-30页   2 Examination of articles and translations introducing French Literature in the Short Story Magazine (1921-1927)   第30-64页     ·List of the translations of the French literature from 1921 to 1927   第30-32页     ·A general analysis of the list   第32-33页     ·The Short Story Magazine and the French literature in the nineteenth century   第33-55页       ·The Short Story Magazine and naturalism   第39-43页       ·Previous studies in naturalism in new literature period   第43-45页       ·From the perspective of the poetics in China in the 1920s   第45-50页       ·From the perspective of the ideology in China in the 1920s   第50-55页     ·The Short Story Magazine and the French literature in the twentieth century   第55-64页       ·A general examination of the French literature in the twentieth century   第55页       ·Analysis of the three French writers of the early twentieth century   第55-64页   3 Examination of articles and translations introducing British literature in the Short Story Magazine (1921-1927)   第64-77页     ·The list of translated works of British literature   第64-66页     ·A general analysis of the list   第66-67页     ·The Short Story Magazine and Byron   第67-71页     ·The Short Story Magazine and other British romantic writers   第71-77页   4 Conclusion   第77-80页   Bibliography   第80-86页  

