An Analysis of the Old Man and the Sea[法语论文]

资料分类免费法语论文 责任编辑:黄豆豆更新时间:2017-05-08

  Key words: Ernest Hemingway  the Old Man and the Sea  Santiago, writing style influence

  Abstract: Ernest Hemingway was a famous American novelist. He was a myth in his own time and in American literature. He was a glamorous hero whose style of literature is very ingenious and very popular in Europe and American. In 1954, Hemingway got the Nobel Prize for literature according to his the great work the Old Man and the Sea. This essay analyzes simply the “writer”, “the image, spirit and the character of Santiago”, “the internal meaning”, "the style of literature and influence" of Hemingway‘s masterpiece the Old Man and the Sea, aiming to understand the book deeply.

  I. Introduction

The writer

  Ernest Hemingway (1898-1961) is a remarkable writer. He was born on July 21st, 1899 at Oak Park, Illinois, near Chicago in American. Influenced by his father who was a successful physician with a relish for hunting and fishing, he loved the outdoors from childhood. In his childhood, he was interest in hunting, fishing and so on. His variety of interests especially the love fishing almost followed all his life and had important influences on his writing inspiration and helps to develop his special personality. He loved to take adventures. He went to Europe to take part in World War I. He joined a volunteer ambulance unit in France, gained transfer to the Italian front, suffered serious injuries but had survived. In 1922 he settled in Paris was famous in the 1920s. Disillusioned by the loss of faith and hope, the expatriate intellectuals group in Paris, who replaced former ideals and values only by despair or a cynical hedonism, formed the background of his first major novel—The Sun Also Rises published in 1926, when he was only 26years old. The book deals with the living attitude of the postwar generation especially those who thought that life was nothing and meaningless and Hemingway became a representative of the “Lost Generation”. Hemingway’s writing career began in high school and continued until his death in 1961 and beyond, with several of his works published posthumously when The Old Man and The Sea appeared in 1952, he had been an international literary celebrity for more than a quarter of a century.

  2. The plot of the story

  The Old Man and the Sea, for which Hemingway was awarded the Novel Prizes for literature, is one of the most influential novels of the literary treasure of the world. It is so widely read that people consider that wherever there is an intellectual, people know Hemingway without knowing his work The Old Man and the Sea. This very simple written novel has described as one of Ernest Hemingway’s best classical book. Famously known for his taut and short sentences, Hemingway created an interesting and unique style of writing that still fascinates readers today. This novel is very direct with the story of Santiago, an old Cuban fisherman that has been unlucky with trying to catch fish. A young man named Mandolin is almost like a son to him and tries to help him on his small boat called a skiff. Although Santiago’s luck continues to dwindle down, Mandolin didn’t lose heart. He thought the old man will succeed at last, so he continues to help the man. Even though hunger pervades him and money is not available, Mandolin makes sure that Santiago has food and blankets to sleep on. This novel explores man versus nature, internal conflict and, as is evident in other of Hemingway’s literature wars, the theme of being courageous. With Santiago’s struggle to catch the marlin and his journey home, Santiago’s courage is obvious as he faces these odds that just don’t seem to end. He does not give up and even though he feels he has been very unlucky, there is hope instilled within him to keep going on. He is destroyed but not defeated.

