摘 要:"能指""所指"是语言符号的两个组成部分,它们都是心理性的,相互对立又相互依存。词汇属于语言的基础组成部分,同样包含这两个部分。在教学中需要从词汇的能指、所指以及二者的关系这三个层面出发,采用适当的教学措施,提高课堂效率。"Signifier" and "signified" are the two parts of the linguistic signs. Both of them are psychogenic. They are contrary to but also dependent on each other. As a basic part of language,vocabulary also contains the above-mentioned two parts. A study on the "signifier" and "signified" of vocabulary and their relations contributes to an efficient teaching.,法语论文范文,法语论文范文 |