
资料分类免费法语论文 责任编辑:黄豆豆更新时间:2017-05-09
摘  要:介绍了“工程技术法语”和“专门用途法语”的历史演变,略论了两者的受众,并依据《欧洲语言评估框架》的标准分别界定了对能力要求的不同。只有了解两者在目的性、习得措施、能力要求方面的异同后,法语毕业论文,才可能正确选择教材、决定课程设置和教学的措施。以期通过本篇论文促进法语教学与学习,更好地与法语人才市场需求接轨。This paper first introduces the historical evolution of "French for Engineering Technology" and that of "French for Special Purpose", then analyses their respective learners, and defines their different requirements for proficiency in ac- cordance with Common European Framework of Reference for Languages(CEFR). It finds that only in the understanding of the difference between their purpose, acquisition methods, as well as the requirements for proficiency can we have correct text-book selection, curriculum arrangement, and teaching methods. The purpose of the paper is to promote French teach- ing and learning so as to integrate better with the market of French talents.
