“假如说只要一小部门法国人以为有需要买一本语法书,那绝年夜部门的法国人则以为具有一本辞书是必弗成少的。”从这里我们可以或多或少地看出,明天,简直没有人再疑惑辞书的用途,固然这个中也包含双语辞书。跟着进修法语的人愈来愈多,愈来愈多的辞书也陆续出现在市场上。它们版本年夜小分歧,内容分歧,价钱分歧,天然市场的承认和接收水平也分歧。但时至昔日,针对法语初学者的法汉辞书却依然是空白,法语论文,这不克不及不让人发生些许遗憾。本文旨在商量一本优良的初学者辞书的组成要素。为了获得满足的结论,我们起首针对低级阶段的先生做了问卷查询拜访,以期寻觅到他们的需乞降愿望。然后以查询拜访成果和有名辞书学家卡西米师长教师对双语辞书的评价准则为尺度,剖析了现有辞书的优势及缺乏的地方。最初,针对以上查询拜访和剖析提出建议,个中包含收词量、词目标支配、释义的支配、用法、语法信息、语用信息及文明信息等分歧方面。法汉辞书是沟通中法两邦交流的主要对象和桥梁。鉴于它的主要性及今朝进修法语的先生数目,我们有来由信任其在市场上的承认度。是以我们愿望可以或许惹起相干专家的看重,法语论文范文,让这类类型的辞书早日涌现在先生的手中。 Abstract: "If only a small part of the French people think that there is a need to buy a grammar book, the vast majority of the French think having a dictionary that will put a little." From here we can more or less seen, tomorrow, almost no one doubts dictionary use, although this also includes a bilingual dictionary. After studying French more and more people, more and more dictionaries are starting to appear on the market. Their version of the eve of small differences, content differences, price differences, natural market recognition and acceptance level is also different. But today, for beginners in French French Chinese dictionary is still blank, this means not let a person a little regret. This paper aims at a good beginners dictionary elements. In order to obtain a satisfied conclusion, we first and foremost for the lower stage of Mr. do questionnaire visit, in order to find their needs and desires. Then to query visit results and famous dictionary scientist Casimir teachers of bilingual dictionaries evaluation principles for scale, and analyzes the advantages of existing dictionaries and lack of local. First, according to the above investigation and analysis are proposed, including the words, word usage, target domination, domination, grammatical information and pragmatic information and so on different aspects of the interpretation of information civilization. French Chinese dictionary is the main object of communication and exchange of Sino French two state bridge. In view of the number of its main and current study French, we have reason to trust on the market recognition. So we can desire value may cause the relevant expert, make this type of dictionary in the hands of early emergence of mr.. 目录: Remerciements 4-5 摘要 5 Résumé 6-8 Introduction 8-10 Chapitre 1 Besoins des débutants au sujet des dictionnaires fran ais-chinois 10-16 1.1 La forme et le contenu de notre enquête 10-12 1.2 L’analyse des résultats de cette enquête 12-14 1.3 Petite conclusion 14-16 Chapitre 2 Atouts et lacunes de quelques dictionnaires fran ais-chinois usuels 16-33 2.1 Analyses de ces dictionnaires 16-30 2.1.1 Dictionnaire de la langue fran aise avec explications bilingues (2002) 16-19 2.1.2 Dictionnaire fran ais-chinois (2003) 19-22 2.1.3 Grand dictionnaire fran ais-chinois (2003) 22-25 2.1.4 Nouveau dictionnaire fran ais-chinois (2004) 25-27 2.1.5 Grand dictionnaire fran ais-chinois du Nouveau Siècle (2009) 27-30 2.2 Commentaire sur les dictionnaires susmentionnés 30-33 Chapitre 3 éléments constitutifs d’un dictionnaire fran ais-chinois approprié aux débutants de fran ais 33-59 3.1 La macrostructure 33-41 3.1.1 Le contenu de la nomenclature 33-36 3.1.2 L’organisation de la nomenclature 36-41 3.2 La microstructure 41-59 3.2.1 Les acceptions 41-46 3.2.2 Les emplois 46-49 3.2.3 Considérations grammaticales 49-53 3.2.4 Considérations pragmatiques 53-56 3.2.5 Considérations culturelles 56-59 Conclusion 59-61 Bibliographies 61-63 Annexe 1 Enquête sur les dictionnaires franco-chinois 63-64 Annexe 2 Critères d’évaluation des dictionnaires bilingues de M. Al-Kasimi 64-68 |