摘 要:在国际交流交往日益频繁的现代社会,外语成为必备的交流工具,多掌握一门外语就多了一门技能,就会在未来的工作、学习中更占据优势。特别关于英语系学生,为了能够在激烈的市场竞争中获得优势地位,就要拥有更多的本领和技能,更多英语系的大学生已经开始认识到学习和掌握第二门外语的重要性。然而,如何轻松、有效地学好第二门语言,是值得探索的话题。本文以二外法语作为探索对象,略论了高校英语系二外法语的教学。In modern society when international exchanges are increasingly frequent, foreign languages have become an essential communication tool, and the mastery of a foreign language is a skill which will offer an advantage in future work and study, especially for English majors who should possess more abilities and skills in order to gain an advantageous position in the fierce market competition, so more and more university English majors have come to realize the importance of learning and mastering a second foreign language. However, how easily and effectively learn a second language is a topic worth exploring. Taking French as a second foreign as the objective of exploration, this paper analyzes the teaching of French as a second language for university English majors.,法语论文题目,法语论文题目 |