
资料分类免费法语论文 责任编辑:黄豆豆更新时间:2017-05-09
摘  要:在对外语阅读课的传统教学模式指出不足的基础上,以法语系二年级泛读课课程设计为例,以图式理论、任务型教学理论和合作学习理论为改革阅读教学模式提供借鉴,以此为据提出一个全新的建立在教学实践基础上的外语专业阅读课课程模式。探讨发现,法语论文题目,外语阅读课程的改革需要从教学的多个阶段进行。这个通过对阅读课教学功能和目的的区分构建的多元教学模式,对以法语为例的外语专业教学及其他外语专业课程的设计探讨有着重要的参考意义。This paper proposes a new model for French reading course in a multi-media context supported by the writer's own teaching experiment. The course design is based on the schema theory, task-based approach and cooper- ative learning theory. The study aims at several important aspects in the French reading course, showing the function and the objective of the reading course, the results of the research are expected to provide insights for other French courses design and studies.
