
资料分类免费法语论文 责任编辑:黄豆豆更新时间:2017-05-09
摘  要:随着经济全球化的发展,中国与法语国家之间的交流日益频繁,法语毕业论文法语越来越多地被应用到社会生活中。在我国,法语人才奇缺已成为不争的事实。而我国高校的法语教学大多采用传统的“填鸭式”措施,即教师将教学重点放在词汇和语法上,法语论文网站,致使培养出来的法语系本科生大部分听说能力较差,很难适应对外交流的需要。针对此种现象,提出改进法语教学的对策,旨在引起法语教学与教研工作者的注意。With the development of economic globalization, and increasing communication between China and Freoch - speaking countries, French is being increasingly used in people' s seeial life. In China , there is a great shortage of French talents, which has become an established fact. However, In China's French teaching at university, the traditional "cramming" method is used. Teachers always attach importance to the teaching of vocabulary and grammar and the result is that most graduated French majors do bad in listening and speaking, and they find it difficult to meet the needs of foreign communication. To solve this problem, the anthor, according to her own overseas study experience and teaching experience, tries to put forward some countermeasures to improve French teaching, hoping to arouse the attention of French teaching and research workers.
