
资料分类免费法语论文 责任编辑:黄豆豆更新时间:2017-05-09
摘  要:通过对《国际歌》的多家汉语译作进行简要略论,法语论文范文,从而在《国际歌》翻译的微观异同基础上梳理其不同语际间翻译的各种状况,归纳概括出法汉诗歌翻译在思维、语义和审美三个层次上的界定和兼容,法语论文网站,从而构建其层次系统和一般流程。This paper attempts, by a comparative analysis of the several Chinese translations of "The In-ternationale", to integrate different situations of interlingual translation on the basis of microscopic differences of the translations, and to induce the definition and the method compatible in three levels in aspects of thinking, semantics and aesthetics in order to build a hierarchical system and the general process of the French-Chinese poetry translation.
