
资料分类免费法语论文 责任编辑:黄豆豆更新时间:2017-05-09

作  者:Baricault S. Soubrane J.C. Courville P. P. Joly 王琼[1] Baricault S./Soubrane J.C./Courville P. et al. [P. Joly; Clinique Dermatologique; Charles Nicolle; CHU de Rouen; 1; rue de Germont; 76031 Rouen Cedex];

机构地区:[1]Clinique Dermatologique Charles Nicolle CHU de Rouen 1 rue de Germont 76031 Rouen Cedex

出  处:《世界核心医学期刊文摘:皮肤病学分册》2006年第12期共2页Digest of the World Core Medical JOurnals:Dermatology

摘  要:背景:本文报道1例W aldm ann病患者出现松解坏死型游走性红斑。患者和措施:1例具有W aldm ann病病史的55岁男性患者因出现松解坏死型游走性红斑后躯干四肢出现多环状皮损伴周边鳞屑入院。给予胃肠外补充高蛋白和脂肪酸,患者皮损迅速改善。讨论:W aldm ann病的特点是肠淋巴异常导致渗出性肠病,从而引起蛋白在肠腔内丢失和脂肪酸吸收不足。松解坏死型游走性红斑的发病机制尚不完全清楚。血清胰高血糖素升高似乎并非唯一有关的机制。患者出现松解坏死型游走性红斑支持了现有的病理生理假说,即松解坏死型游走性红斑与血浆蛋白和氨基酸水平降低有关Waldmann病的松解坏死型游走性红斑(法语)@Baricault S. @Soubrane J.C. @Courville P. @P. Joly$Clinique Dermatologique, Charles Nicolle, CHU de Rouen, 1, rue de Germont, 76031 Rouen Cedex @王琼Background. We report a case of necrolytic migratory erythema in a patient with Waldmann s disease. Patients and methods. A 55-year-old male patient with a history of Waldmann s disease was hospitalized for a rash on the trunk and limbs comprising annular polycyclic lesions with peripheral scaling evocative of necrolytic migratory erythema. High-protein and fatty-acid-supplemented parenteral feeding led to rapid improvement of the patient s cutaneous lesions. Discussion. Waldmann s disease is characterized ...

分 类 号:R574[医药卫生—消化系统;医药卫生—临床医学;医药卫生—内科学]
