法国文化2200字课程作业:Trademark law[法语论文]

资料分类免费法语论文 责任编辑:黄豆豆更新时间:2017-05-10

论文题目:没有具体订,是international business law课程作业,写对于trademark的
论文用途:课程论文 Master Assignment
补充要求和说明:写对于中国的trademark law.最好能和酒类沾边,比如说外国红酒进入中国后,会遇到各种各样的商标的问题之类。需要有outline和完整的bibliography。建议有outline先让我看一下,法语论文网站,确定之后再继续写

Trademark law
1. Introduction
As the Chinese are well aware, foreign firms are worried about the level of protection for all aspects of their intellectual properties whether it is patents, copyrights or trademarks. This concern extends to the effects on their trade due to "knock offs" or pirated goods being made in China and sold on the local or world market, as well as to the practicalities of actually doing business in China and keeping control of one's intellectual properties. A firm doing business in China and suffering domestic infringement of its intellectual property is likely to seek redress for intellectual property infringements initially in the domestic courts. Clearly, for a firm considering trading with, or even setting up facilities in China, the predictability of the Chinese domestic legal regime would be one of the important considerations for anyone undertaking this kind of business commitment.
Note that when discussing any given legal regime, one has to keep in mind that there are two separate and vastly different components. First is the realm of legislative enactments, laws and regulations actually passed and on the books. The second, and in many if not most cases the far more important component, is the predictability of their enforcement of law through the courts. China has done much to enhance both. This plunge into the realm of Trademark Law in China will compare the trademark laws China now has on the books with specific aspects of Chinese history and culture, to explore the underlying basis for the current laws. In short, the goal is to try and elucidate the cultural background of these laws and hopefully provide a gauge for the nature of the mindset that a Chinese court would bring to question involving enforcement of China's trademark laws.

2. The history and current situation of the Chinese trademark law
3. The trademark problems of the imports in China-taking the wine for example
4. Conclusion




