Brieifngs for the construction and management of the French large-scale research infrastructures[法语论文]

资料分类免费法语论文 责任编辑:黄豆豆更新时间:2017-05-17



The construction of the large-scale research infrastructures started early in France, covering almost all disciplines. Over a period of time some large-scale research infrastructures exist also some problems such as management irregularities, high barriers, and the fee standard is not uniform, so some lack of effective means to reduce operating costs to their budgets to bring a lot of pressure. In 2017 France conducted a thorough investigation for the operation of large-scale research infrastructures, and issued his ifrst roadmap. In 2017, France also conducted statistics and classification for the large-scale research infrastructures, and put them into the context of a national strategy, relaunched 2017--2020 Large - Scale Research Infrastructure Roadmap, this new roadmap is a programmatic document management for construction, management, operation, use and ifnancial security, and stressed that large-scale research infrastructure is open to the republic and Data Sharing.
