创建传统,彰显特色--新中国阿拉伯语专业一甲子谈 [阿拉伯语论文]

资料分类免费阿拉伯语论文 责任编辑:艾米尔更新时间:2017-06-15

作  者:朱威烈[1] ZHU Weilie


出  处:《阿拉伯世界探讨》2017年第5期 3-9,共7页ARAB World Studies

基  金:本文受上海市重点学科B702资助.

摘  要:本文梳理了中国阿拉伯语专业自1946年迄今的成长历程,阐述了新中国成立60年来阿语专业建设的成就和特色阿拉伯语论文网站,并对新世纪阿语专业的发展作了高屋建瓴的展望。尤其强调,新中国高校阿语专业已超越传统宗教语言范畴,正式成为中国外语教育的一个组成部分,且学科内涵得到了不断拓宽。This article summarizes China Arabic language major's growing history which raised from 1946, describes new China 60 years' achievements and characteristics of Arabic language major carefully, and prospects it's developments in the new century from a strategically advantageous position. New China's Arabic language major progress is beyond traditional religious and lingual scope, and as a part of China's foreign language education, this discipline's contents are continuing to widen.
