
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:程志燕 CHENG Zhiyan


出  处:《理论与现代化》2017年第5期123-128,共6页theory and moderization

摘  要:发展日语教育对促进中国的经济发展与中日文化交流具有非常重要的意义.新中国成立以 来,我国的日语教育从初创到发展壮大,日语在我国已经成为仅次于英语的第二大外国语,日语学习者的 人数居世界第一位.中国日语教育的发展与日本的日语教育国际化战略有着密切联系,得到了日本政府、 教育机构、民间团体、友好人士的支持援助.对中国日语教育发展过程进行回顾与考察,或可总结一些经验 教训,有助于发展汉语国际教育化,推动中国文化走向世界.Since the founding of the PRC in 1949, Japanese language teaching in China can be divided into three stages, namely,the stage of adjustment ,the stage of bloom and the stage of conversion . For the purpose of Japanese language pop- ularization , a series of measures have been taken by the Japanese government, Japanese educational in stitutions and so on . Meanwhile, support from non-governmental asso ciations and friendly person ages also played an important role in the preparation of Japanese language special is ts. While the development of Japanese language teaching has gained a strong momentum in China, it is also facing some problems that need to be tackled .

关 键 词:新中国 日语教育 国际化 

分 类 号:G315[文化科学]
