突尼斯共和国的语言政策 [阿拉伯语论文]

资料分类免费阿拉伯语论文 责任编辑:艾米尔更新时间:2017-06-15

作  者:白少辉[1] BAI Shao-hui (International Institute of Education and Culture/Chinese Research Center, Heilongjiang University, Harbin 150080, China)


出  处:《云南师范大学学报:对外汉语教学与探讨版》2017年第1期 87-92,共6页Journal of Yunnan Normal University:Teaching and Research of Chinese as A Foreign Language

基  金:2003年国家汉办“十五”科研规划调研项目《对法语区国家汉语教学探讨》(HBD01-05/003);本文曾在中国首届人类语言学国际学术研究会(2017年1月5-9日·哈尔滨)上宣读.承蒙黑龙江大学语言探讨中心戴昭铭先生指点,深表谢意.此次做了一些删减,文中讹误由作者本人承担.

摘  要:突尼斯共和国是一个拥有悠久历史和古老文明的北非马格里布国家,官方语言是经典阿拉伯语,法语是通用语言,但98%的突尼斯人说突尼斯方言阿拉伯语。突尼斯语言政策的独创性在于,下定决心鼓励一种对任何文化都不存在复杂情结和过度依赖的文化多元化:不实行彻底阿拉伯化政策阿拉伯语论文网站,普及突尼斯方言阿拉伯语,阿拉伯语论文,同时吸收经典阿拉伯语和法语等。突尼斯选择了以突尼斯方言为主,经典阿拉伯语和法语等其他语言为辅的文化多元化的效率之路。The Republic of Tunisia is a Maghreb country with a long history and an ancient civilization. Her official language is classic Arabic while French is a commonly used language. But 98% of the Tunisians speak the Tunisian Arabic dialect. The originality of the language policy of the Republic of Tunisia lies in its determination to encourage cultural pluralism without a complex about any culture or excessive cultural dependence. It discourages the policy of total Arahization, and popularizes the Tunisian Arabic dialect, which at the same time willingly absorbs the classic Arabic and French. It has chosen an efficient way of relying mainly on the Tunisian Arabic dialect while making the classic Arabic and French and other languages as the subsidiary.

关 键 词:突尼斯共和国 文化多元化 
