作 者:李明清[1] LI Ming - qing ( Foreign Languages Department, Hunan Business College, Changsha, 410205 ) 机构地区:[1]湖南商学院外语系,长沙410205 出 处:《湖南商学院学报》2017年第5期 124-128,共5页Journal of Hunan Business College 摘 要:在翻译这个千里之行的旅程中,始于足下的应该是对两种语言和文化的对比。翻译技巧和措施都建立在文化的对比上,阿拉伯语毕业论文,阿拉伯语论文,对比也是指导翻译的核心。只有很好地掌握英汉语形式之间的对应转换规律,才能获得好的翻译。本文试图就英汉句法的根本异同即:“形合与意合”、“复合与简单”、“主语与主题”、“物称与人称”、“静态与动态”、“代替与重复”、“主动与被动”等方面来进行对比。It is the first step to make a translation. It is the core of translation, since contrast between English and Chinese culture in the distant journey of translating techniques and methods are all based on the cultural contrast. Good translation can only be obtained through correct understanding of the corresponding transformation principles. This article makes a tentative study of the contrast of English - Chinese syntactical structure of hypotactic vs. paratactic, complex vs. simplex, subject vs. topic, impersonal vs. personal, static vs. dynamic, substitution vs. repetition, active vs. passive. |