2017年上海世博会的主题是“城市,让生活更美好”,越语毕业论文,关注的是可持续发展的问题。组织方为各国提供了普通的大开间房屋以便用来建造各自的展馆。因此,挑战在于如何将普通的房屋改造成既能吸引人们眼球,又能展示本国文化并可以进行交流的场所。越南馆的建筑师选择竹子作为此次改造的主要材料,以此来传达越南友好的、持久的和可持续发展的精神。 外语论文网 www.waiyulw.com 竹子被塑造成一个拱形的结构用于创造具有波浪感的外表皮形态,这一做法也减少了建筑的得热。在内部,垂直的竹结构创造出一个线性的空间,让人似乎感到置身于竹林当中。在这里,参观者可以领略到越南的历史、文化,以及生态保护和城市的发展理念。 中国目前还没有竹子的防火等级测试,因此建筑师必须亲自进行防火试验以保证竹展馆的安全性能。虽然,世博会的整个展期只有短短的半年,但是得益于竹子这一材料的灵活性和长久性,这些材料将在未来得到重新再利用。 The motto of this year’s expo was, “Better city, better life”, so the focus was on sustainable development. For developing countries, including Vietnam, the organizer gave them ordinary warehouses to use for their pavilions. The challenge was to transform the warehouse into an eye-catching pavilion where cultural exchanges could take place. Bamboo was chosen as the main material for the renovation to express the Vietnamese spirit of friendliness, durability and sustainability by the usage. The bamboo is given an arched shaped structure for exterior to create a feeling of a wavy surface. At the same time this reduces the heat gain from the sunlight. For the interior, vertical bamboo structures create an inner lining giving the impression of being in a bamboo forest. Here Vietnamese culture is highlighted as visitors learn about the country's history and culture as well as its progress in eco-protection and urban development. In China, the fire regulation (B1 grade) for bamboo had never been mastered. We had to develop the fire protection method ourselves to realized the bamboo pavilion. Although the Expo’s period is only six months, with the flexibility and durability of bamboo, it will reconstruct or reused for other constructions. 201 ,越南语毕业论文 |