
资料分类免费越南语论文 责任编辑:阮圆圆更新时间:2017-06-19

越南薄寮省产业结构优化探讨Vietnam BAC lieu study on industrial structure optimization




Industrial structure optimization is the identity of the connotation of economic growth, with a resolution in the process of economic growth in the trend. Industrial structure once to obtain the optimum, not only improve economy capital set furnishings and equipment effectiveness, but also to strengthen to create social wealth growth value can, so as to promote the economic well-being of citizens, can develop continuously. BAC lieu is a province located in the Longjiang Delta region of Vietnam nine. From its inception, BAC lieu is a in the traditional agriculture based economy less vigorous, is to open up to the BAC lieu is enhance Vietnam's economic growth way, and the optimization of industrial structure and BAC lieu province economic growth strategic breach. The full text is divided into five departments: pause in the first chapter, the development at home and abroad and the research, also introduced the research contents, methods and innovation; chapter two important introduction belongings tectonic implication and the industrial structure, industrial structure practical optimization. The third chapter from the belongings of the industrial structure, investment in fixed assets structure, unemployment composition is constructed from three angles of current situation analysing evolution Bo Liaosan belongings. Thereafter, and detailed analysis of three possessions of external tectonic evolution trend. The fourth chapter to identify BAC lieu Province three possessions during the process of the first possessions accounted for than the new year night, investment structure means not meet industrialization low-level stage requests result in the evolution, and pointed out that every external possessions are lack of detailed, then the shackles from the capital, technology, institutional identity analysis of the achievements of reason; the fifth chapter from a pinpoint compared advantages and key possessions, and big investment in science and technology, plus Nianye infrastructure support, the value of teaching to deepen the rail system transformation for accelerating the BAC lieu Province industrial structure optimization process.


摘要   4-5   ABSTRACT   5-6   1 导论   9-15       1.1 探讨背景和意义   9-10       1.2国内外探讨近况   10-13           1.2.1 国外探讨   10-11           1.2.2 国内探讨   11-13       1.3 探讨内容与措施   13-14       1.4 创新之处   14-15   2 产业结构优化理论   15-22       2.1 产业结构与产业结构优化的涵义   15-17       2.2 产业结构优化理论   17-20           2.2.1 恩格尔规律与配第-克拉克定律   17-18           2.2.2 库茨涅兹理论   18-19           2.2.3 罗斯托的经济成长阶段理论   19           2.2.4 Harry T. Oshima的二元经济发展模式   19-20       2.3 作用产业结构优化的因素   20-22           2.3.1 资源供给因素   20           2.3.2 科学技术因素   20-21           2.3.3 社会需求结构变化   21           2.3.4 政策体制因素   21           2.3.5 参与国际分工状况   21-22   3 薄寮省产业结构优化探讨   22-39       3.1 薄寮省三次产业结构近况   22-27           3.1.1 三次产业产值结构   22-24           3.1.2 三次产业的固定资产投资结构   24-26           3.1.3 三次产业就业构成   26-27       3.2 薄寮省三次产业内部结构演变   27-39           3.2.1 第一产业内部结构演变   27-33           3.2.2 第二产业内部结构演变   33-35           3.2.3 第三产业内部结构演变   35-39   4 薄寮产业结构存在的问题及其原因   39-44       4.1 薄寮省产业结构存在的问题   39-41           4.1.1 第一产业存在问题   39-40           4.1.2 第二产业存在问题   40-41           4.1.3 第三产业存在问题   41       4.2 薄寮省产业结构存在问题的原因   41-44   5 促进薄寮省产业结构优化的对策   44-50       5.1 薄寮省产业结构优化方向与目标   44-45           5.1.1 薄寮省产业结构优化方向   44           5.1.2 薄寮省产业结构优化的目标   44-45       5.2 薄寮省产业结构优化的总体策略   45-47       5.3 薄寮省各产业结构优化的具体对策   47-50           5.3.1 第一产业结构优化对策   47-48           5.3.2 第二产业结构优化对策   48           5.3.3 第三产业结构优化对策   48-50   参考文献   50-52   致谢   52  
