
资料分类免费越南语论文 责任编辑:阮圆圆更新时间:2017-06-19

Abstract:Is sitting on the open bus, a route to the south of Vietnam's long coastline, to the north, to the ancient city of peace. In more than one thousand years of time, from China, Japan, Southeast Asia and South Asian countries in the merchant ship will be a trade exchange, will be an eastern port at the time. Brocade, paper, brush, bronzes, porcelain, pottery, silver, gold, silver, aluminum, lead, sulfur, and pepper, sugar, wood and spices, shark fin, bird's nest and rhino horn, ivory, and gold and silk in the interweave together. Since the year fifteenth Century, Holland, Portugal, Britain, France and other western countries have set up a business station in Hong Kong. Merchant ships often go in and out of the harbour. Therefore, it has become the most important commercial port of Southeast asia.

