
资料分类免费越南语论文 责任编辑:阮圆圆更新时间:2017-06-19

Abstract:March 28 this year, Russia Zelienuoduolisike Design Bureau General Manager and chief designer sharapov to the outside world officially revealed, the design bureau "cheetah" - 3.9 class light frigate will become main Vietnamese naval ships. According to the Russian Defense export company signed a contract with the Vietnamese Navy not long ago, Russia will be delivered to the Vietnamese Navy in 2017 two cost up to $2, $2 to $2, cheetah -3.9 class destroyer. Sharapov also said that the two frigates are Zelienuoduolisike shipyard to build. Furthermore, the Vietnam Ministry of defense and the Navy's request, the Russian Defense Ministry in principle agreed to Vietnam shipyard in the near future to build its own two other "cheetah" - 3.9 class frigates, Russia will to Vietnam provide required assembly parts and technical support. This also means that by 2017, after the equipment has four "cheetah" -3.9 class light destroyer Vietnam Navy will enter Asia has the most advanced light escort naval ranks.

引言:今年3月邓日,俄罗斯泽列诺多利斯克设计局总经理兼总设计师沙拉波夫向外界正式透露,该设计局设计的“猎豹”一3. 9级轻型护卫舰将成为越南海军的主力舰艇。根据俄国防出口企业同越南海军不久前签署的合同,越语专业论文,俄罗斯将在2 010年前向越南海军交什两艘造价高达3.5亿美元的‘。猎
