
资料分类免费越南语论文 责任编辑:阮圆圆更新时间:2017-06-19
摘要:【目的】烟粉虱Bemisia tabaci(Gennadius)是一种外来入侵性的重大农业害虫,越南斧瓢虫Axinoscymnus apioides KuznetsovRen是其重要的捕食性天敌之一,本文系统探讨了越南斧瓢虫对烟粉虱的捕食影响。【措施】在温度误差为±1℃,相对湿度为75%,光照周期为L︰D=14︰10条件下,测定瓢虫成虫对烟粉虱各虫态的功能反应和不同温度下对烟粉虱4龄若虫的功能反应以及测定瓢虫成虫取食烟粉虱4龄若虫个体间的干扰反应。【结果】结果表明,越南斧瓢虫对烟粉虱的功能反应呈HollingⅡ型,随着猎物龄期的增加,越南斧瓢虫成虫的寻找效率(a)逐渐降低,处置时间(Th)基本依次延长。温度对瓢虫的捕食效应作用显著,试验所设温度为15,20,25,30,35℃,越南斧瓢虫成虫的寻找效率(a)分别为0。3226,0。4496,0。5868,0。5788和0。6235,越语论文题目,处置时间(Th)分别为0。2348,0。1451,0。1039,0。0904和0。0976,均与温度(T)则呈二次曲线关系。越南斧瓢虫对烟粉虱4龄若虫的捕食影响率(E)在捕食者密度较低(在1~5头)时,捕食影响率下降较快,而在捕食者6时,其对捕食影响率的作用效果减小。寻找系数为0。0607,越南语论文题目,干扰系数为0。5569。【结论】随着猎物龄期的增加,越南斧瓢虫成虫的寻找效率降低,处置时间延长;越南斧瓢虫成虫对烟粉虱4龄若虫的寻找效率随着温度的升高而提高,而在更高的温度条件下,其寻找效率略有下降。瓢虫对烟粉虱的处置时间则随着温度的升高而不断缩短;越南斧瓢虫成虫自身密度对其捕食影响产生干扰反应,捕食影响率随着捕食者密度的增加而降低。

Abstract:[Objective] Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) is a kind of exotic major agricultural pest, axinoscymnus apioides Axinoscymnus apioides KuznetsovRen is one of the important predatory natural enemies, this paper study the predation of axinoscymnus apioides of Bemisia tabaci. [method] in the temperature error is / - 1 DEG C, relative humidity was 75%, light photoperiod L: D=14: 10 under the condition of determined adult Ladybug of Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) of different insect state functional response and different temperatures on the 4th instar nymphs of Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) functional response and determination of Harmonia axyridis feeding Bemisia tabaci 4th instar if insect individual responses to disturbance. [result] the results show that functional responses of axinoscymnus apioides of Bemisia tabaci was a Holling type II, with the increase of the age of the prey, Vietnam axe septempunctata adults seeking the efficiency (a) decreased gradually, handling time (th) basic in order to extend the. Effect of temperature on the predation of ladybirds significantly, the test temperature is 15, 20, 25, 30, 35 C, axinoscymnus apioides adults looking for efficiency (a) were 0. 3226, 0. 4496, 0. 5868, 0. 5788 and 0. 6235, the treatment time was 0 (Th). 2348, 0. 1451, 0. 1039, 0. 0904 and 0. 0976, and temperature (T) is two times curve. Predation of 4th instar nymphs of Bemisia tabaci axinoscymnus apioides rate (E) in the predator density is low (1-5) head and predation rate decreased rapidly, and in predator 6, the effect on the predation rate is reduced. Find the coefficient is 0. 0607, the interference coefficient is 0. 5569. [Conclusion] with the increase of the age of the prey, Vietnam axe adult Ladybug looking for efficiency and reduce, disposal time prolonged; Vietnam axe adult Ladybug of 4th instar nymphs of Bemisia tabaci seeking the efficiency increased with the increase of temperature, and under the conditions of higher temperature, and the searching efficiency decreased slightly. Ladybug of Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) the handling time is with the increase of temperature and shortening; axinoscymnus apioides adult density effect on predation of produce interference response and predation rate decreased with the increase of predator density.

引言:**第一作者First author,E-mail:zhping306@126.com烟粉虱Bemisia tabaci(Gennadius)又称甘薯粉虱、棉粉虱、一品红粉虱等,属同翅目(Homoptera)、粉虱科(Aleyrodidae)昆虫。现分布在除南极洲外各大洲的90多个国家和地区,成为这些地区农业系统中的一种非常严重的世界性害虫,寄
