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资料分类免费越南语论文 责任编辑:阮圆圆更新时间:2017-06-19
摘要:正 文章介绍了越南的国际科学交流近况并提出了前景展望。越南对西欧和美国等资本主义发达工业国的长期孤立状态有其国内外的原因。1989年10月,河内的越南国家科学探讨中心(VN CSR)主任和副主任(后者为胡志民市分中心的领导人)为了和美国科学机构及美国科学家建立联系而访问了美国。VN CSR 是越南的中央探讨机构,越语论文范文,它拥有40个探讨所和2000名工作人员。越南人现在表示愿意和国外进行学者交流和派出留学生。越南的科研机构的探讨水平低下,其原因是现代设备缺乏,生产能力低,越南语论文,资金不足和获取科学资料困难。因此在越南不可能组织大规模的基础探讨,而运用探讨也只是搞一些小课题,同时是通过和公司或

Abstract:This article introduces the current situation of international scientific exchange and puts forward the prospect of vietnam. Vietnam has its reason at home and abroad to Western Europe and the United States and other developed capitalist industrial countries long-term isolation. October 1989, Hanoi, Vietnam National Center for scientific research (VN CSR) director and deputy director (the latter for Ho Chi Minh City Center leaders) in order to establish a relationship with scientific institutions in the United States and the United States scientists and visited the United States of America. VN CSR is the Central Research Institute of Vietnam, it has 40 research institutes and 2000 staff. The Vietnamese and foreign scholars are now willing to exchange and sent students. Scientific research institutions in Vietnam's research level is low, the reason is the lack of modern equipment, low production capacity, lack of funds and access to scientific data difficult. Therefore in Vietnam, it is impossible to organize large-scale basic research and applied research, just to engage in some small issues, at the same time through and enterprises or

引言:文章介绍了越南的国际科学交流近况并提出了前景展望。越南对西欧和美国等资本主义发达工业国的长期孤立状态有其国内外的原因。1989年10月,河内的越南国家科学探讨中心(VN CSR)主任和副主任(后者为胡志民市分中心的领导人)为了和美国科学机构及美国科学家建立联系而访间了美
