越南北部Tong Vai Valley下泥盆统介形类Sinoleperditiinae(英文)[越南语论文]

资料分类免费越南语论文 责任编辑:阮圆圆更新时间:2017-06-19

1 INTRODUCTIONThe Tong Vai section is situated at the TongVai Valley near the Chinese-Vietnamese border,a-bout 10km,west of the Quan Ba Hamlet,on theHa Giang-Yen Minh main road(Text-fig.1).Thissection,which was mainly studied by Tony-Dzuyet al.(1995,p.170—172),includes the Basal,Second,Third,Fourth,Fifth and UppermostMembers(Tony-Dzuy et al.1995,Text-fig.2).In these six members,the Basal Member corre-sponds to the Striped Limestone and the rest con-stitute the Khao Loc Formation.I......(论文页数是:14页)       [继续阅读本文]
