
资料分类:英语论文 高级会员(刘教授)提供原创英语毕业论文资料更新时间:2016-02-24
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Abstract:Along with the development of economy and the communication with foreign countries, China will be visited by more and more foreign tourists in the coming years. But the English translation of scenic-spot introductions is not satisfactory. This paper tentatively analyzes the features of language, content and strategies for translating of scenic-spot introductions. Then, the thesis explores the problems existing in their translation. According to Eugene A. Nidas Functional Equivalence Translation Theory, this thesis puts forward the problems that need to be concerned in its English translation and offers some proper strategies for scenic-spot translation.

Key words: scenic-spot English introductions; translation; cultural differences; translation techniques





Scenic-spot introduction is a material used in the tourist scenic-spot for the purpose of introducing essential situation of the scenic-spot. Normally, scenic-spot institution introduces the scenic-spot through using some pictures, steles, literatures and so on. The main function is just to pass the imperative information on person. Secondly, the introductions also have the educational function. It can enrich tourists’ knowledge about Chinese histories, environments and customs. Also it can arouse the interests of the tourists. Nowadays, more and more western people travel in China with a desire to see something new to them, trying to find a different culture and experience, which is the reason why tourism undoubtedly becomes an important way of promoting the culture and communicating information exchange. So many scenic-spots, such as the Great Wall, Silk Road and the Forbidden City are well-known to people all over the world. Therefore, scenic-spot introductions serve as the first and key step to pass the tourism information to tourists and decide what impression will leave upon foreign tourists Firstly, if tourists read some scenic-spot introductions with mistakes in these famous sceneries, they would be disappointed. Secondly, our country’s image would be spoiled. So the scenic-spot introductions must be clear so that the tourists can understand it easily and correctly. In summary, translators are expected to translate the introduction to meet the foreigners’ needs and help them acquire interesting information and learn more about Chinese history.


论文资料贡献者对本文的描述:This paper tentatively analyzes the features of language, content and strategies for translating of scenic-spot introductions.Then, the thesis explores the problems existing in their translation. According to Eugene A. Nidas Functional Equiv......