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资料分类:英语论文 高级会员(pengfan)提供原创英语毕业论文资料更新时间:2016-04-07
需要金币500 个金币 资料包括:完整论文 下载论文
转换比率:金额 X 10=金币数量, 例100元=1000金币 论文字数:4195
折扣与优惠:团购最低可5折优惠 - 了解详情 论文格式:Word格式(*.doc)

Abstract: This study aims to investigate the functions of English hedges in verbal communication from the perspective of semantics and pragmatics. One of the most important functions is to serve as a politeness strategy. This thesis first introduces different categories of hedges, then analyzes the politeness function of hedges and finally explains what role hedges play in communication and how they are appropriately used with specific examples. The paper concludes that correct use of hedges helps to achieve the communicative purpose successfully.

Key words: hedges; politeness maintenance




论文资料贡献者对本文的描述:Language, as a means of human communication, may specifically refer to a human capacity. As is known to us traditionally, the language we use to express ourselves is required to be as precise as possible. But there are a lot of vague languag......