
资料分类:英语论文 高级会员(花花99)提供原创英语毕业论文资料更新时间:2016-05-31
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Abstract:In recent years, with the rapid development of business between China and America, the relationship of the two countries is increasingly closed. America has become one of the biggest trade partners of China. However, for the huge differences of cultures, the thinkings and behaviors of people in these two countries are not the same, which makes many obstacles in communication and misunderstanding. Therefore, knowing other’s culture before negotiation can improve the process of negotiation smoothly.

   In this thesis, first, we should know the definition and characteristics of culture, and how important the culture plays in business negotiation, second, to introduce the unique culture of the two countries further, then, this thesis conducts a systematic comparative study in some aspects-- folks, values, ways of thinking and so on--to learn Sino-US business negotiation, which is good for business negotiations between China and America in the future time.

Keywords: culture; cultural differences; Sino-US business negotiation; influences





论文资料贡献者对本文的描述:With the rapid development of global economy,a globalizational time is on its way. The business cooperations between countries are more and more frequently. It’s a necessary trend that business cooperations are fierce than before......