
资料分类:英语论文 高级会员(小婷)提供原创英语毕业论文资料更新时间:2016-06-05
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ABSTRACT:English is an important subject in secondary school. It is very helpful for students to learn English well in the future. However, motivation plays an important role in English learning. According to some psychologists’ views, the motivation that affects language learning can be divided into three types (Dulay et al., 1982), which are integrative motivation, instrumental motivation and social-group-identification motivation. The data of this research was in the form of 120 questionnaires and involved 120 students in Class 2 and Class 3 of Grade 8 in Taocun Middle School of Shiping. The findings indicate that students’ motivation for learning has a big influence on English learning, which contains intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation. Learn English well needs not only Students concentration on English, but also teachers and parents’ hard work.. Therefore, teachers should not only to teach English in a good method, but also to arouse students’ motivation for learning English.

Key words:English learning; integrative motivation; instrumental motivation; social-group-identification motivation;  strategies


摘  要:在中学阶段,英语是一门很重要的课程,学好英语对学生将来有很大的帮助。然而,在英语学习中,学习动机则是一个关键性因素。根据心理学的观点, Dulay 把影响语言学习的动机分为3种,它们分别是整合型动机、工具型动机以及社会融入型动机。通过对石屏县陶村中学8年级2班和3班的120位同学做问卷调查,作者发现:学生的学习动机对英语学习影响很大,其中包括内在动机和外在动机。中学生要把英语学好,不仅需要自身的努力,还需要老师及家长的配合。所以,教师要做的不仅仅是找出一套好的方法来适应教学,更重要的是激发起学生学习英语的兴趣。

关键词: 英语学习;整合型动机;工具型动机;社会融入型动机;策略

论文资料贡献者对本文的描述:In the field of English learning, motivation has been considered one of the main factors in determining learning outcomes, because English learning is a long and complicated process. Without ample motivation, ......