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资料分类:英语论文 高级会员(乖,爱学习)提供原创英语毕业论文资料更新时间:2016-06-17
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Abstract:This thesis is based on the theory of Willis’s framework of Task-based Learning Teaching (TBLT). A large quantity of materials about writing teaching at home and abroad have been collected, summarized and analyzed. Combined with the present situation and goals of senior high school English writing, the Task-based Teaching (TBT) approach is advocated.

  This thesis also intends to validate the applicability of the TBLT in Chinese senior high school. The thesis tries to get the approval by means of carrying out the experiments in a senior high school in Gaozhou City, with two classes (experimental class and controlled class) in Grade One for a month by qualitative analysis method, while the questionnaire is subsidiary to the research. The results of the questionnaires and tests indicate that the students show greater interest in English writing class than before, and TBLT is practical and effective. Furthermore, this research also has significant implications for implementing the new National Curriculum Standards for English Education in diverse EFL teaching contexts.

Key words: task-based language teaching; applicability; English teaching in senior high school 





论文资料贡献者对本文的描述:This paper also attempts to provide evidences that Task-based Language Learning (TBLT) is feasible and can be flexible in high schools in China, as it is strongly recommended by the new National Curriculum Standards for English Education......