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Abstract:A film is a comprehensive art. A properly translated name is a delicate art-craft. It is a good propaganda for a film, and it is very pleasing for audience. To translate a film’s name, the translator needs to follow some translation principles and skills. At the same time, the translator needs have solid knowledge. The translated name should be the quintessence of a film .It not only concludes the film’s content, but also makes people know the culture difference between China and English-speaking countries. At present, there are two major methods in translating film title—liberal translation and literal translation. A film is a comprehensive art. A properly translated name is a delicate art-craft. It is a good propaganda for a film, and it is very pleasing for audience. To translate a film’s name, the translator needs to follow some translation principles and skills. At the same time, the translator needs have solid knowledge. The translated name should be the quintessence of a film .It not only concludes the film’s content, but also makes people know the culture difference between China and English-speaking countries. At present, there are two major methods in translating film title—liberal translation and literal translation. 

Key words: translation; translator; film’s name; literal translation; liberal translation



关键词: 翻译;译者;电影名;直译;意译

论文资料贡献者对本文的描述:Film title, which concludes the main idea of film, is a trademark of a film. It is good for film’s propaganda development. People can acquire the senses of enjoyment from film title. British translator theorist......