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资料分类:英语论文 高级会员(isis)提供原创英语毕业论文资料更新时间:2016-08-14
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Abstract:Since the reform and opening policy was put into practice, our country has had a rapidly development by the impulse of opening economic system in coastal area. As time goes by, it gradually becomes a representative of trade development model in the Peal River Delta region and cross-strait economic zone. Also, Guangzhou’s trade industry has become the exemplary among them.

   The Financial Crisis began in the United State in 2007, and became a large-scale outbreak, spreading all over the world, in the second half of 2008. Inevitably, the development of China's open economy, especially on the trade sector would be affected, and this effect is still an intensifying trend.

   Today, a lot of literatures which focus on the formation, characteristics and influence about the international financial crisis have already analyzed very comprehensive. But to cite a single city for example in-depth study is still relatively shallow. So this is the innovation here. It will be through the international financial crisis on China's import and export sectors, analyses the weakness of the Guangzhou trade industry, then explores the corresponding solutions and development prospects.

Key words: Financial Crisis; export; difficulties; solutions






论文资料贡献者对本文的描述:Among the damages, the most important aspect is that, when it is undergoing Yuan appreciation and depreciation of dollar, China’s export has become more and more difficult. Guangzhou is one of the most prominent examples. In recent years, ......