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资料分类:英语论文 高级会员(isis)提供原创英语毕业论文资料更新时间:2016-08-16
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Abstract:In the process of globalization, conflicts and cooperations exist side by side between countries all over the world. When contradictions about cultures or trades cannot be smoothly eased off, crisis will happen and damages or harms will be brought to people. In the 21st century, peace and development become the theme of the era, dialogue mechanism came into being and has become a noticeable issue to many who pay efforts to look into the positive or negative influence and functions in practice. Among many forms of dialogue mechanisms, Sino-U.S. dialogue mechanism ranks a typical bilateral conversational mode that has shown a lot to promote understanding between China and USA. Along with the further cooperation, this dialogue mechanism will ensure the platform for both sides to have a conversation on the global and strategic level. When operated well, it will play a positive role on maintaining the stability between the two countries .

   China, as the biggest developing country in the world, is booming in her comprehensive national power at a remarkable pace. USA, as the world's super power, still tries to maintain its dominating function by all means. Nowadays, China-US relation has become one of the most important bilateral relations in the world. How to coexist with each other peacefully does and will strategically affect the present and the future situation of the whole world. Through introducing Sino-US dialogue mechanism’s establishing process and its effects on cultural exchange, military affairs, bilateral trade relations, and foreign affairs, such as Taiwan issue, trade conflicts and Korean peninsula confusion, this paper focuses on analyzing how to get each of their contradictory issues handled in complex conditions; how to achieve mutual understanding or how to deal with difficulties when things seemed deadlocked. 

   Document literature collection and Inductive research are used in the research.

Key words: Dialogue Mechanism; China-US relation; globalization; strategic function and effects






论文资料贡献者对本文的描述:China and America, standing for two different economic systems, their cooperation and competition have brought a significant effects to the world's stability and development. A good Sino-US relation is not only in line with the fundamental i......