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Abstract: Along with its policy of opening to the outside world and entering the WTO, China has made tremendous progress in international trade. However, many problems inevitably occur, especially in the settlement of exchange. According to an International Chamber of Commerce’ Survey, L/C, as the way of payment, has accounted for 70% world trade. For a long time, the L/C is considered as “the life blood of the international commerce”, and it promotes and guarantees the rapid development of international trade. So the study on how to verify the soft term is of great realistic significance in the safety of account-settling. 

Key word: letter of credit, payment, verification, practical significance



关键词:信用证, 支付,审核,现实意义

论文资料贡献者对本文的描述:At that time, letters of credit have become a piece of waste paper, for exporters can not collect money from the letter of credit any more. These kinds of terms have emerged frequently in the practice of China's foreign trade in recent years......