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资料分类:英语论文 高级会员(暗恋我吧)提供原创英语毕业论文资料更新时间:2016-10-17
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Abstract:Level-Based Teaching (LBT) of College English is an active attempt of traditional teaching style. As one of hot topics of curriculum reform, LBT has been continually applied and put into effect by many universities in China, as well as Honghe University, which is located in the region inhabited by ethnic minority--- Honghe Prefecture. It’s the main agency to make contributions to the regional education and economy construction, and to cultivate the new applied people.

   By means of questionnaires and interviews, the present study devotes to investigating the general situations on LBT in College English Teaching of Honghe University. Based on its findings, the writer devotes to researching the potential existing problems during the process of implementing, and to making a quantitative and qualitative analysis respectively.

   Moreover, its findings are expected to give some feasible suggestions on how to implement LBT appropriately in English teaching and to make this teaching style better used and implemented to realize the teaching objectives. And these findings may improve the quality of teaching and college students comprehensively. 

Keywords: LBT; College English; Current situations; Pedagogical Implication



    本研究通过问卷和采访的调查方式,调查了红河学院的大学英语分层教学的总体情况;并根据调查结果,对该校大学英语分层教学实施的现状,做了相应的定性和定量分析;其结果有望能为该校的大学英语分层教学提供一些可行性的意见,使这种教学方法能为其更有效地实施和利用,实现大学英语教学目的, 更好地提高大学英语教学水平,从而全面完善学生的综合素质。


论文资料贡献者对本文的描述:College English is one of the compulsory courses for college students in China. And it is also crucial to measure the quality of teaching and students in College English. Since the year of 2002, the National Ministry of Education has put for......