
资料分类:英语论文 高级会员(暗恋我吧)提供原创英语毕业论文资料更新时间:2016-10-17
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Abstract:To improve English reading ability is one of the most important goals of senior English learning and teaching in basic education in China. However, many students don’t make obvious progress in reading ability after three-year learning. Because they are in the interim from junior school to senior school, it is essential for the first-year students in senior high school to pay attention to the learning and training of reading strategies. This paper is designed to investigate and analyze the current situation on the English reading strategies used by fires-year students in Shilin Minority Senior High School. From the questionnaire and interview, it finds that significant differences exist on the application and awareness of reading strategies between successful and less successful first-year students. Furthermore, this study provides some suggestions to help students improve their reading ability. On one hand, students should enhance their awareness of using reading ability. On the other hand, teachers should train students to use effective and appropriate reading strategies based on different types of articles.  

Key words:  English reading strategies; difference; application; awareness of strategies



关键词:  英语阅读策略;  差异;  运用; 策略意识

论文资料贡献者对本文的描述:With the increase of interaction among nations, people have gradually developed the awareness of importance of a foreign language as a tool for global communication. The development of reading ability and reading efficiency is one of the mos......